View Full Version : Bubbles in Toilet After Flushing?

18-10-11, 06:43
Hi, it's me again. :lac:

I've been dealing on and off with bubbly urine for almost 6 years now yet all my urine tests have been normal. My last urine test was 7 months ago, I believe.

I know having bubbles in urine is "normal" because of the force we exert whenever we pee (I'm a guy by the way). This happens a lot especially when I don't drink enough water.

Anyway, I'm a bit bothered by this new thing. We recently move into a new flat and what I noticed is that everytime I flush after urinating, some bubbles still remain in the toilet. They disappear in a few seconds or less than a minute though.

I had a friend come over just recently and he used the toilet and after flushing there were also some bubbles as well.

Now I think we're both terminally ill in the kidneys.

Am I letting my HA control my life again?

18-10-11, 11:24
I notcied one bubble earlier on to lmao
pretty sure its normal :)

18-10-11, 11:26
Put this rite out of yer mind.... i work on urology. its nothing. every time someone flushes the loo if they stopped n looked this wud happen, with what you have wrote there is nothing wrong with yer water wrks / kidney..yayyyyy xx

18-10-11, 11:50
I would say it was the toilet doing this not you to be honest.

It is highly unlikely if it happens with 2 people that it would be something wrong with both of your kidneys. I think the toilet is the suspect here

18-10-11, 15:00
Hey skyisblue,

This is incredibly common, especially with men, and is usually linked to dehydration or sexual activity (or lack thereof). If the bubbles disappear quite quickly, it's most likely due to forceful urination. I notice unflushable bubbles when I use the toilet upstairs in my house, but never downstairs, so the house's plumbing is as much at fault as mine is. If you've had clear urinalysis done previously, I'd put it out of your mind completely.

19-10-11, 02:27
Thank you emma, brew, nomorepanic, and jitters.

I feel better after you're reassuring messages.

I was just thinking that the bubbles don't disappear "quite quickly" but they do disappear. Also after flushing, the bubbles seem to look more like a group of tiny bubbles, not the bigger ones. Same thing also happened to my friend.

Is that fine? :wacko:

19-10-11, 21:15
Glad we could help to reassure you. That sounds pretty standard to me, I have it most of the time :)

19-10-11, 23:28
im glad that i have read all your comments i have had bubbles in my wee i noticed them in the toilet when i was on holiday this was before i flushed it bothered me so everytime i went to the loo i looked and they were always there.
i metioned this to a friend but she worried me by what she said.
she told me that it aint right to have them there and she had read in a take a break magazine from a doc in a health page called doc knott that it was air bubbles in the wee and it was a condition that you shouldent have i cant really remember what she said it meant, i know i dident belive her so she told me she would bring the mag round i dident think she would but she brought it over and she WAS telling the truth it said something like its a tube that crossing with a tube near the bowel that in the end would needed to be corrected by surgery.

and he was a doctor who is in there everyday it really freaked me out and i was too scared to see the doc bout this.

the worrying thing is that i have suffered with my bladder in the past on going urine infections.
the doctor never found out why.

im real sorry if anybody else is freaked out by this but i had to tell this coz i was so scared to tell amyone.

does anybody no if theres any truth in this and why did it say it in a mag.

im so glad someone else has said something bout this coz im baffled.:unsure:

20-10-11, 01:19
Selphie, I'm not a doctor, so disregard what I have to say freely. I did a 6 week placement in a urology outpatient department a while back, and you wouldn't believe how common a problem bubbly or frothy urine is, or how rare fistulas are. In fact, I think even then they're mostly associated with advanced Crohn's disease. These things make magazines for a reason, because they're sensational rather than helpful. Sensational sells copies.

Lots of people find that peeing into a receptacle when giving a sample stops the bubbles or froth. It's either because they're not passing urine forcibly and from a great height, or because of the absence of water in the receptacle, water which in most of the world contains chlorine gas or chloramine, bleaches that react strongly to ammonia and causes our urine to 'fizz'. Dehydration, yeasts, there are no end of explanations for this, so I wouldn't worry too much about a bowel to bladder fistula. A simple urine sampling works 99% of the time to identify any problems, and if you were still worried you can request a 24 hour urine collection from your doctor. If you have a history of bladder or urine infections it may be prudent to arrange a quick check-up regardless, if you're concerned.

Having bubbles in your urine as you pass it, and having it in the toilet bowl are very different things. The first usually causes pain and contains slough, or lumps.

All the best!

20-10-11, 01:47
Jitters, thank you very much. I feel really better now. I guess I just have to go back to the close-the-toilet-bowl-before-flushing-and-not-look-at-my-pee routine so that I can decrease my anxiety level. I know it might sound silly, but whatever it takes to manage my stress levels, I'll do it!

Selphie, I'm sorry but I didn't read your whole post because I was too worried to read the parts of the magazine. LOL! However I do get your point that we're not alone. I hope we're fine buddy!

21-10-11, 18:01
i dont blame you for not reading past the magazine part i hated it when i was told i noticed it in june but i was so scared when i saw the bubbles and what my freind told me that i swept it all under the rug.
im sooo bad with dealing with anxiety and to be dam honest i was scared and just wanted to forget bout it as to much just drives me over the edge.
i still get it from time to time but i just flush and move on one day i was so worried i poured water down the toilet just to see if it would cause bubbles.

i know your probley thinking im weird i just wanted to see havent worried bout it tho for a while but who knows i probley will tomoz lolxx.

thankyou for clearing a few things up for me.
ive had tests and they have never found anything i had ultrascans on kidneys and liver coz of my recurrent urine infections and again they found nothing as usuall.

funny you said that bout doing specimen i remember i kept getting the bubbles after i had my baby and i still had the specimen jar so i did a wee just too see if i still got the bubbles and i dident get em sorry for the graphic details.
im just trying not to worry bout so many things now one day at at a time hey????

thanks for all yor great info you have really helped mexxxx:D

27-10-11, 05:32
I guess that's part of HA, man. I just came from a restroom of a mall and most of the cubicles had urine bubbles! LOL! Ack! Thanks also for posting, it's really glad to know we're not alone

27-10-11, 17:14
yes and i just went to use my loo and my son was in there before me and i went to flush and noticed that there was loads of bubbles in the toilet.
i kinda felt relieved i know that sounds really bad dosent it but i thought to myself im not the only one then.
of course i wouldent say anything coz hes only fifteen and i wouldent say anything to give him my worries:)

14-12-11, 04:20
Sorry to revive this old thread, but I was wondering about the bubbles. I have some bubbles sometimes and they are tiny bubbles joined together in little clusters (they look a little like clusters white foam when they do that). There's not a lot of them but there would be two or small-ish clusters everytime. I am not talking about the large ones that pop quickly. They do pop but they do so in their own time. I am so worried about this thinking it's something to do with my kidneys and I damn well have a near panic attack everytime I have to go to the toilet.

Can someone tell me if this happens to them or has everyone been talking about large bubbles that go away pretty quickly. My partner won't talk to me about my HA or when I feel anxious and I don't really know where to go.

P.s I am female.

14-12-11, 06:50
I dont know aye. there could be something wrong with your toilet.

14-12-11, 08:09
Thanks guys. Not the toilet because it can happen in different toilets. And not just one bubble but a cluster of tinytiny bubbles. Also sometimes urine can have an oily appearance, but this is not often. Noticed maybe once or twice in a week.