View Full Version : thought I was getting better! :'(

18-10-11, 09:03
I thought I was finally starting to calm down. I started college and put my daughter into nursery. Got on with life. But now things seem to be getting on top of me again. Assignments are comin in fast. I've been off and missed a lot of work because my daughter was in and in hospital. The house work I'm way behind on and at the minute still recovering from a drunken night. Which I'm never doing again. Its left me feeling horrible. Low mood. Nervous. Etc etc.

Anyways since 2 days ago. I've had a feeling of that I have lost something. Somethings missing but I just don't know what. Nervous. Butterfly in my stomach. A sick nervous feeling. A throat feels tense and ofcourse I'm worrying because I worried that now I'm going to miss more time on college and miss more work and fall even further behind.

I know I've got a lot to do. But I just can't be bothered. The house work. College work. Even making food. I just can't bring myself to do it.

Its been about a month since seein a a nurse ewho has referred me for councilling and something else. But I have not yet received an appointmnet through! This is really getting to me as I think its not coming through and that the end of that and I won't get help. Thinkin what if they have forgot about me? What if its got lost in the post and they think I'm just ot turning up and I'm fine nnow? Etc etc.

Something is on my mind but I don't know what. I can't feel headches coming back and dizziness. I'm feelin very frustrated too at the minute. Toddler is very demanding work and i need to stay on top and at the minute I just can't seem to pull myself together.

I posted the other day about alcohol and depressant but I thought I just needed to add this on top becaise I feel worse.

19-10-11, 12:26
Hi, Sorry your feeling so bad at the moment. This happens to me too. I feel ok like im getting better, then as soon as i have any outside stress i start to get all symptoms and end up really anxious again. It sounds like you may have took just a bit too much on. Maybe you could do college part time or explain your problems and they may be more understanding about your time off and assignments.
As for the referal they do take ages so i would try not to worry. You could always phone the doctors and say your a little worried just to check that they have def done it for you. In the meantime i would try not to drink as this just seems to make things worse for most people. Hope you get some help.