View Full Version : Wet the bed???

18-10-11, 09:15
So this is very emabarassing for me to talk about but I'm just wondering if this has ever happen to anyone else...last night I had a dream about peeing. The images were very clear and I saw images of just flowing urine, LMAO I know how this sounds but I suddenly woke up and I noticed that I had wet the bed...This hasn't happen to me since I was like 6 or 7.

Not sure if this was because I had too much water before bed or something else. I'm 24 yoa and I shouldn't be having this problem. I have been worrying about my bladder lately because I feel like I go to the bathroom quite frequently, any thoughts?

18-10-11, 14:54
This happened to my husband once but never again and it was when he was really exhausted and in a deep sleep- he said he was dreaming about having a pee and woke up as he was wetting the bed- he was in his 30's at the time and it has never happened again. We put it down to being in such a deep sleep that the normal mechanism for waking you did not work.

If you feel you are having bladder problems then see your Dr to make sure you don't have an infection etc etc.

Obviously drinking lots late in the evening will make you want the loo in night .

18-10-11, 16:14
Thanks, after reading through some other posts I see that its fairly common but you know how it is when you have HA...every time you have a new symptom you automatically think the worse. If it happens again then I'll probably go get it checked out but I'm really hoping that it was just a one time thing!

19-10-11, 21:59
It used to happen to me a bit when I was in my twenties as well. As you said, well embarrassing. Now I'm (a lot) older it doesn't happen although I still dream of pissing when I'm asleep and my bladder is full!

19-10-11, 22:35
This is very common in young men I believe and no need to be concerned.

20-10-11, 08:40
It's never happened to me ( honest ! ) but a mate did once wee over his new girlfriend in bed in his sleep. Was quite amusing in as he wasn't drunk, and it was only about the second time he had stayed over.

20-10-11, 11:48
Lol, thanks for the replies everyone...I think I'm ok since it hasn't happen again but it is reassuring to know that I'm not the only its ever happen to