View Full Version : fish spa worry

18-10-11, 09:43
Has anyone seen the paper about fish spa spreading hiv and other infections.... I have had a fish spa and am so worried

18-10-11, 10:19
They print a lot of nonsense in the papers. Someone has probably commented that there is a theoretical chance that it could happen, so the papers run the story because it's sensationalist and it will sell newspapers. It doesn't matter that there's no scientific grounding for it. You don't need to worry about it.

Think of all the people that have had foot spas. If people really were getting infections, environmental health would close them down straight away.

Anyway, what's it like? I haven't tried it. I'm not sure I fancy fish nibbling at my toes :)

18-10-11, 14:31
I've had it and I'm not worried at all. I think 'AllInMyHead' is right in saying that the newspapers have blown it out of all proportion.

AllInMyHead, it's the strangest sensation :ohmy:. It takes some getting used to but is quite nice once you stop giggling and relax into it!!!! I'd recommend it :) xx

18-10-11, 14:39
Ya small chance , unless you have no immune system youre not gonna catch anything, anyways it's said to be cruel for the Fish but that depends on the spa I guess.
You've a better chance of catching aids from a swimming pool. Nothing to worry about :)

18-10-11, 14:45
A reason a lot of us have HA is the damn media. They love a good health scare story and facts don't come into it.

Please don't worry. i believe it's The Sun that's screaming the most...well, that says it all. :D

I would still have a fish pedicure depsite suffering the most appalling H.A. at the moment.

18-10-11, 14:47
My friend works in a salon that has these fish and she personally will not have one done as she says she has seen the fish draw blood from peoples feet and although they filter and uv the water they don't actually take a toothbrush to the fish between patients:D.

Saying that I would imagine the chances of catching anything really nasty are low .

As with anything its a matter of choice, the newspapers will pick out the most dramatic research obviously but personally I am taking my friends advice and sticking to human hands doing the work of removing the dry skin from my feet.

18-10-11, 14:52
As with anything its a matter of choice, the newspapers will pick out the most dramatic research obviously .....

This is sensible. If there was any real evidence of these treatments having given rise to any tangible health issues it would have been ALL OVER the papers.

Mind you I am a fine one to talk I spent a year convinced I had contracted HIV from a barber nicking my neck with clippers when I was having my hair cut :blush: That was 20 odd years ago mind and it hasn;t got me yet!

18-10-11, 15:32
If you find a sensible newspaper, they take the time to explain that although there's no proven case of infection as a result of these treatments, this argument is based purely on health & safety & legal requirements for salons to disinfect equipment between clients to prevent infection. Fish and their tanks can't be disinfected, so the risk is hypothetically possible. Guidelines that have been introduced appear to be slightly behind the policies that these places already use, so I shouldn't worry. A simple blood test can put your mind at rest if you're still worried. All the best!