View Full Version : Iron Supplement

18-10-11, 09:56
I bought these over the counter iron supplements. I have 2 questions, 1 is it a big deal if I take them without a doctors permission? And 2, they are a pretty big capsule pill, but the thing is the capsule comes apart and it's just powder inside. It says to take with food, I don't know if I can just mix the powder inside with food, or do I swallow the whole thing?

18-10-11, 13:45
I would imagine that you should swallow the whole thing as they are made like that. The capsule is there to carry the powder to your stomach where it can be properly absorbed I think. As for taking them without a Dr's permission, well, I guess you can if you can buy them off prescription but if you think you are low in iron, it might be better to have a blood test first and then take the supplements if you clinically need them.

18-10-11, 14:51
Quick biology lesson here. Your body regulates the amount of iron it takes from food and should if all is working well keep your levels normal if you eat a good diet etc etc . When you supplement inorganic iron ( not from food) your body absorbs it all whether you need it or not and this can be a problem if you don't need the iron in the first place as excess iron gets deposited in the liver and heart etc etc .

If you think you are anaemic then you should see your Dr as then they can check if you really are and if you are they will then do regular check to make sure the iron prescribed is not too much or too little.

Taking high dose iron supplements if you don't need them can cause health problems so I presonally would not take them unless a Dr has said you need them but this is just my opinion.

18-10-11, 16:45
Hi i argree with the last post get a blood test and advice from your doctor ist..

I got tested a year ago and was anemic so given prescripton iron to take then.xx

18-10-11, 16:46
you could probably also ask your pharmacist for advice if you don't have a doctors appointment for a while.