View Full Version : It's starting to getting wore.

18-10-11, 11:10
I used to get really bad panic attacks, they would be at completely random times as well. When I started University I'd had enough, so I went to the doctors who said I have GAD and who later prescribed me with Propanolol.

However, over the past few weeks they've started to become worse.
I've lost my appetite, I get daily panic attacks and end up crying for no reason. I have horrible pains in my stomach and stay up late up night worrying. I feel so drained.

I was just wondering If anyone else has had the same? (and how do you cope with it?)

Thank you.

18-10-11, 12:44
Hello Millie Moo,

Sorry to hear things are not good for you right now.

IMO you need to go straight back to your GP. I am wondering why on earth he only prescribed propanolol for you as that is pretty useless if you have GAD. Propanalol is a beta blocker, so it will reduce the speeding heart rate you get when panicky/anxious only, but it won't work directly on the mental feelings of panic, and how debilitating they are, and I am guessing that you are not feeling any improvement in that?

I really feel for you. Panic attacks are very frightening, and this needs to be addressed properly.

Your physical probs are doubtless related to your highly anxious state. I lost my appetite completely when I started having panic attacks years ago and my sleep pattern went out the window. It is because you mind is in such turmoil. There are some things that can help calm these things down, but it is more important for you at the mo to be taking an appropriate med to first take the edge of your panic. Once that is done, you can then manage things with techniques like breathing, distraction, positive thinking, etc.

Please try to see a doctor asap, as you don't need to feel like that as there are other meds which are far more helpful - predominantly the SSRI drugs. I was on Cipralex, and I found it a Godsend when my panic attacks returned badly a couple of years ago.

Don't suffer with this.xxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:

18-10-11, 13:08
The same thing happened to me - started of as panic attacks , went to the doctors and they said it is now anxiety so they gave me propranolol too. I got really bad , last xmas i lost a stone in weight, wouldnt leave the house. But do you no what i did? I made myself do things. I went for short walks and they really helped , its really refreshing trust me. Go for a jog or a walk and i can gaurentee you that you will feel at LEAST 50% better x , just keep thinking positively and you will get there xxx