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18-10-11, 13:24
Since 2006 and coincidently since I developed anxiety I began noticing that my hearing in my right ear was not as good as the left. This had benefits when lying in bed if I could not get to sleep because of noise I would lay on my left side. Over the years the anxiety has got better or should I say controllable. In April this year I visited the doctor as I seemed to have a balance issue which caused me to walk to the right. He said I had an ear infection which would go away. It did. I suppose I have always suffered with the dizzies on and off but this could be anxieties ugly head again.

Any how at the time I went to the doctors I mentioned my Hearing and he asked if I wanted a hearing test, I agreed, The hearing test confirmed what I knew that the right ear was not working 100%. I was then referred to a ENT specialist and he has now tested me again and has referred me to have an MRI scan. The problem is with anything medical I cant stop thinking that when the ENT specialist mentioned that 1 in 100 people they find a tumour that is pressing on the nerve that feeds the ear. I now feel that someone has to be that 1% and I am convincing myself it is me. I have about 6 weeks to wait for the MRI scan then a anxious wait for the results letter. I am now already starting to panic. Has anybody had this and had the scan? Can anyone let me know what to expect?



19-10-11, 04:47
Ok, Its Five am and I 'be woke up and as usual it is hard to stop my mind from playing back what the ENT consultant has said and also my mind wants to play with the worse case scenario. This should be fun, lack of sleep = more anxiety and more ruminating.

Can anyone offer any advice?



19-10-11, 08:43
Hi Meewah, I had a scan 4 years ago as I was losing my hearing, the scan, as you say is a check to see if there is a tumour, but from what I have read, these tumours are normally benign, so please do not worry unnecessarily. My scan was clear and I ended up with a hearing aid which I rarely use. Hope all goes well for you:)PS; The scan took about 15 mins if I remember correctly and it was a bit noisey, but it was over quite quickly.

19-10-11, 10:26
Meewah, I've got very similar symptoms to you. My hearing in my right side isn't as good as my left. I have on and off balance issues, and have had a couple of bouts of really bad vertigo. I'm waiting to get an appointment with the ENT specialist at the moment.

However, I'm sure it isn't a tumour because I had to have an MRI scan year ago (partly because of my vertigo) and it was all clear. So there are plenty of things that cause problems with your ear apart from tumours.

I know what you mean by 'someone has to be that 1%', I always feel like that. But look at it this way, there's a 99% chance it isn't you, and they are much better odds :)

19-10-11, 18:09
Thanks, I feel you always think the worse. The ENT specialist did say benign but it still scares the living daylight out of me. I think it is the anxiety but all I can feel is a pulling sensation on that ear at the moment and it keeps my attention.

Again thanks for taking the time to reply. What seems like nothing to one person can cause a lot of anxiety with another.


09-11-11, 21:20
Ok, My MRI Scan is tomorrow at 8.20 am and the hospital is 40 minutes away. I have to say this is the time when I start to play out all the worse case scenarios. I suppose its my bodies way of preparing for the worse news. The ENT specialist said he would write to me to let me know what the outcome of the scan was. This waiting is scaring the life out of me. My mind is going in to overdrive and I cant stop thinking that tomorrow will be the end of my life as I know it now.

Your mind starts to pool all the symptoms over the last 5 years and it comes to the conclusion that all along the doctors have missed the obvious that this was a brain tumour and that is what all the anxiety symptoms came from.

I need some support if anyone is out there? Please!


12-11-11, 06:39
OK, I did the MRI. It wasn't that bad. It was held in the back section of a HGV trailer. Now for the results, Back to worrying again. Light headed, feel like I am on a boat. Hearing feels worse.........

Not sure what's better, not knowing some things wrong or living with the nagging worry that you may have a terminal illness.

Listen to me, we all have a terminal illness. We are all heading to be ill and die. Its just some of us go earlier than others, call it bad design.

All I know is I hate waiting for results. It is like waiting for the hangman.


12-11-11, 16:46
We don't all have a terminal illness, but we will all die. All I know is I'm going to fight as hard as I can to enjoy my life, as long or short as it may be. Anxiety is such a waste of time and energy. Unfortunately not one that can be easily controlled, which is where the 'fight' comes in.

Good luck with your results x

28-12-11, 23:19

I received a letter two weeks after and it was all clear.

Phew another test done. I feel at this rate I will be running out of available tests.

All the best


28-12-11, 23:31
Glad to hear there wasn't anything wrong. :)