View Full Version : Lip swollen from biting it

18-10-11, 13:40
I don't usually get health anxiety but I am a massive pain wuss and do worry about some things. My medication and/or anxiety makes me clench my jaw and I have caught myself biting my mouth. Thursday night I did this so bad either in my sleep or while awake but not realising that my bottom lip was swollen on both sides. It went down so you can't see it from the outside but is still really sore and I have terrible breath with it.

Could I have damaged it badly? It must have been done with my bottom pointy teeth. I've had some things like this before but never this painful.

19-10-11, 09:32
I went to my dentist and had a mouthguard made for my top teeth and this has saved me from biting through my tongue and biting the inside of
my mouth. They do cost about £40, but well worth it. It maybe the bllod that you can taste on your breath if you broke the skin. It will take a few days to heal but you will be fine. Forgot to mention, I only use the mouthguard for when I go to sleep. Hope this helps.