View Full Version : struggled to excercise

18-10-11, 18:29
recently when working out i start feeling extremely chest heavy/bloated. and concious of my heart.

it started with ectopics while working out then a loss f breath sensation.

im young fit and healthy so i shouldnt be struggling. went to the docs and he had no idea said heart and pulse seemed fine. and gave me some tabets for gastro symptons.

also been havinf a really dry throat while workin out aswell. its really putting me off and i always feel my workouts is good for my anxiety but now its stopping me .

any suggestions:unsure:

18-10-11, 18:41
Hi jonnyf .. i think you should carry on with your workouts and not let it stop you . Your doctor knows there is nothing wrong so trust your doctor and try your best to carry on and ignore thease anxiety symptoms even tho this is hard i know :) I think exercise does help anxiety alot too ..if only i could motivate myself to do it more often.

18-10-11, 18:50
We are just hyper vigilant of our bodies, so sensations that we had before developing anxiety are much more magnified. I am also trying to get back into my exercise routine but recently stopped for the same reasons. I was convinced that I had something wrong with my heart! I've had the doctor exam me and all is well, but everytime I try to excersise I feel worse.

What type of excersise do you do? I am going to start with some light aerobic (walking) and stretching and hopefully build back up to what I was used to doing. I am glad you are also trying to be proactive in controlling your anxiety. I read somewhere on this website that when our anxiety levels are high, even the simplest excersise can make us feel really worn out quickly because our bodies are tired from fighting off anxiety all day. Even excessive worrying or overthinking can can mental and physical fatigue.

My advice is to take baby steps..start out slowly even if it feels too easy at first. Try some beginning yoga poses, light strectching and walking so your body gets used to pumping more blood through your system. 20 mins a day at first and then build up slowly to what you were used to doing before. That's my plan anyway... I hope it helps! Xx

18-10-11, 19:06
Johnny maybe it's a couple of issues, simplistically it could be as simple as swallowing air because of your anxiety but also it could be symptoms of extreme fatigue. I have had similar issues in the past and to be honest I have no answers because the doctors cannot understand it either. The ME/CFS clinic tells me it's my body telling me I have reached the point of severe fatigue.

18-10-11, 19:15
well i do a weights programe 3 days a week. i suppose tis quite intense really as i do punchbag work inbetween sets so i get quite out on my breathing.

its only in the last week or so after a bad ectopic ive been put off but now i keep feeling a lump in my throat anda kind of strange chest sensation.. feels like trapped wind.

im gutted i was keeping it really well and noticing myself get quite lean.

so frustrating. i cant seem to find any yoga classes that arent in gyms and i dont wanna pay for membership really.

i also have been meaning to get a bike to do some cardio exercise but cant afford one yet

evil monkey
18-10-11, 19:33
Take it easy at first......drink lots, lucozade works, if you feel yourself getting knackered, have a quick break.