View Full Version : Anxiety and smells??

18-10-11, 19:18
Hi everyone.

I was just wondering if any of you get anxious over things you smell, or do you imagine smells that are not there? Once in my house I was convinced I could smell gas, my parents came round and sore it wasn't. In the end I believed them but I got myself in such a panic I had to stay at their house that night. Also sometimes I think I can smell smoke in my room. If I smell anything unusual I have to run round the place on a mission to find where it is coming from.
Another problem I have is in cars, if I smell smoke or petrol or anything weird I simply have to get out because it makes me so anxious.
This problem probably sounds really silly. Just need to know I am not the only one that has panic over smells, or if anyone else imagines them?

Kez xx

18-10-11, 20:21
Me lol Once in school I smelled smoke but no one else did! I spent the day so freaked out.
I also smelled gas in town and that freaked me out too, I hate gas ovens and things....
I do not know if the smells were real or not lol

18-10-11, 20:24
this post was just what i was thinking . I was just in kictechen and could of sworn i got a wiff of burning twice! lol. x

18-10-11, 21:29
I went through a phase where I could smell smoke and no one else could. It drove me crazy .. I am sure our nerves are playing tricks on us or maybe it's a sinus thing. Either way, I had it three years ago for a few months and it went away just as fast as it came on. Weird!

18-10-11, 22:10
Yeah it is strange because I find with me that I go through phases with it. I was also wondering if it may have been spirits, I know I sound really ridiculous now lol. I just know that my dad is well into spiritulism and he says his mother was a very heavy heavy smoker and when she visits him he can smell strong smoke.

18-10-11, 22:25
I don't think that sounds ridiculous at all! My friend says that she can smell her grandmothers perfume every now and again since her death. It comes on suddenly, is very strong, and no one else around her smells it. She used to get scared by it, but now it brings her comfort. So much in this world that is hard to explain.. Oh well at least you know you're not alone! Xx