View Full Version : Does anyone worry about going to the doctor?

18-10-11, 20:02
I'm going in for an appointment soon to investigate a couple of bumps I've had - naturally, I'm terrified at what will occur, but I'm even more terrified that my doctor won't take me quite as seriously as I think he should as I have been in a couple of times a year I'd say for the past four years (ever since my health anxiety started) and for things that were just no big deal.

Of course I'm going to express to him that I really am quite concerned about this - however, I always feel when I go in (unless I have an obvious fever, sore throat, etc) that I am just being a worrywart and wasting his time.

Anyone else feel like this? I certainly don't know in every single time I freak out over something - that would be silly - only when I think something really needs addressing.

18-10-11, 20:16
My doctor is nice but I worry too that he'll think I am making something out of nothing.
I go over and over what I want to say but find it very hard to explain my self..

If it's something small and I know I am over reacting I will tell him that it's causing me a lot of anxiety. So he knows what ever symptoms it is , is driving me half mad :)

evil monkey
18-10-11, 20:53
I got the same...altho haven't seen him in a while. He did a good job telling me it was anxiety, but didn't tell me anything about panic attacks, and kept saying "there isn't anything wrong with you". Well, there isn't, in the same way as if you rev an engine at 7,000 revs all the time, there's nothing wrong with it if it overheats.

12-08-16, 21:31
Yes this i literally me, it puts me off if going to the doctors :( but then i always have this thought in the back of my mind that what if this time it isn't just anxiety

17-08-16, 07:40
I hate going because I don't like to chance my vitals or any test coming out abnormal, furthering my anxiety.

Speaking of uncooperative doctor's.. mine told me he hates ordering tests without strong justification because false positives/ harmless abnormalities could result in a cycle of needless medical testing and such for the patient.

17-08-16, 07:58
I hate going because I don't like to chance my vitals or any test coming out abnormal, furthering my anxiety.

Speaking of uncooperative doctor's.. mine told me he hates ordering tests without strong justification because false positives/ harmless abnormalities could result in a cycle of needless medical testing and such for the patient.

Given how many people on here end up just doubting the results or worrying over some harmless raising of X value (when a doctor cares about things outside expected tolerances), it sounds like your doctor has a good understanding of the HA mindset.