View Full Version : All is not lost

22-05-06, 19:10
Hi Guys! Just had to post today as I have had possibly the best experience since developing panic disorder. I went to a hypnotherapist recommended by my GP, and I am so glad I did. Had a half an hour consultation at first going over background etc and current fears. Felt good just talking everthing through with him and felt so comfortable as he told me he had suffered with PAs in 1992 and hypnotherapy had helped him overcome it.

Cant really remember much of what he said while I was under although I could hear his voice. Anyway after I came out felt really weird for the first hour or so, didnt know if it was anxiety/panic and then BANG. Sudden confidence out of nowhere, been into town for the first time in about 3 years, I had no pains, drove around areas I didnt know and have been scared to drive in but did it with real ease, no scary thoughts cropping up or anything. Just felt really free and alive. So hard to put into words and probably sounds stupid after just one session but I really did it!!! Feel so proud.

Just hope this feeling continues.

Love to all of you

Sarah xxxx

marie ross
22-05-06, 19:26
Hi Sarah,

Thats brilliant, i've never tried hypnotherapy but it sounds like i should give it a go!!!!! Hope everything works out well for you, you sound so positive, keep it up. You should feel proud, well done.

Take care.

Marie XXX

22-05-06, 19:47
hi , im so pleased i hopr it stays that way and they never come back ..you should feel really proud of yourself..and if you do feel one coming remember that good feeling ..best of luck

jools xx

22-05-06, 19:55

Am very pleased for you that you found hypnotherapy as good I did. keep it up and you hopefully will be able to put all your troubles behind you


22-05-06, 21:08
Thanks guys. Fingers crossed!!! Will update in few weeks and let you know how its going.

Take Care xxxx

23-05-06, 16:46
hi sarah,can you tell me what it was like being hypnotised to try and get rid of your panic attacks i have tried it twice and it didnt work for me, i would love to try again with another hypnotherapist,
well done im so happy for you

keep it up

23-05-06, 16:59
I had Hypnotherapy for a while.
It did help me a lot as i have managed to deal with my anxiety and fear of being sick a lot better.
However it did not cure me.

Still suffer now and then, but not half as bad as i did.

But to be honest dont know if it is the councelling, meds, hypnotherapy, or just friends and family that have helped.

Prob a combination of all!

Hay x