View Full Version : Really need some advice

18-10-11, 21:04
Hi, I really need some advice. I have been suffering with lots of symptoms that are worrying me for a few months now ever since i had a miscarriage.
The symptoms i am getting are stomach pain, bloating, chest pain, indigestion, heartburn, acid feeling in the throat, backpain, itching eyes, lips and throat, aching all over and my hands and right cheek feel numb. Sorry for the long list.
I have been to the doc several times but no joy, my bloods were normal. I went today and he has given me meds for gerd.
The problem i am having is that i have been on google, silly i know but my symptoms are similar to that of coeliacs. I have stopped eating gluten yesterday as a result but dont know if im being silly. The doc didn't seem like he thought an allergy was possible, pinning it all on anxiety. I do have a bad sensitivity to egg though, doubled over in pain, sweating and short of breath if i eat egg or anything with eggs in and they say that allergies are normally more than 1.
I just want to add that my doc is quite useless, he gave me canesten cream for a uterus infection and told me to take iron when i wasn't even anaemic. I dont feel like i can trust him.
Please can you advise, am i just over anxious or could i be right?
I dont know what to think. Im so fed up with all the worry and goggling.
Many thanks

18-10-11, 21:47
Well I'm supposed to stay away from google because nothing good has ever come out of trying to diagnose myself (I have pretty bad HA). That being said, I don't see a problem with informig yourself as long as you don't let it lead to an anxiety attack! Lol Have you had a blood test for gluten allergy? I also thought I could have that (I have a lo of the same symptoms you've described) and was also diagnosed with GERD. My test came back that I didn't have a gluten allergy.

Is there anyway you can get a second opinion or switch doctors? You don't seem happy with your doctor and you should be as to trust your doctor. If you don't feel like you're getting the proper care, you should really see a new doctor. I know how hard it can be when we feel all these symptoms and are always told it's just anxiety. I have been suffering with multiple symtomps like the ones you have for two years now and my doctor has told me it's a combo of anxiety, gerd, ibs, and tmj! All of these are conditions which can be brought about or made worse by stress and anxiety. Keep us posted and hopefully you'll get some piece of mind soon! Xx