View Full Version : Brain 'zaps'. I'm freaking out!!

19-10-11, 04:36
I've just quit Cymbalta 60mg cold turkey as I can no longer afford to buy them. I'm on the third day off them and am experiencing terrible brain 'zaps/shivers/shocks'. I'm getting them frequently through the day even when I just move my eyes. Has anybody else ever experienced these after discontinuing an anti-depressant and are they harmful?

Vanilla Sky
19-10-11, 08:47
Theyr not harmul just very uncomfortable, thats why we should never come of antid,s cold turkey , its the worst thing to do . Hope you feel better soon

19-10-11, 11:11
Hi there,

Earlier this year I came off my meds (weaned) and got the brain zaps exactly as you describe. It is very normal for people coming off anti-depressants. The good thing is that they are very fleeting, and become more and more spaced out, and over a few weeks they disappear. I would strongly suggest you don't go cold turkey. It can have really bad effects.

Rather cut down by half, then every second day for a week, every third etc. This is your health and there are very clear reasons not to go cold turkey.

Hang in there though. Nothing to be alarmed about.