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View Full Version : Weird feeling in head / anxiety?

19-10-11, 18:49
A couple of weeks ago, I found a lump on my neck. I got a doctor's appointment for that morning, went along and the doctor didnt seem overly concerned, she just said it was probably a cyst and to keep an eye on it over the next couple of weeks as if it got bigger I was to go back to her. Thankfully, after much worrying, it went away after about a week. However, ever since then I have been really paranoid about every little ache I get in my neck and head, things which i probably wouldn't have noticed before if it hadn't have been for the lump. I think i am making myself ill with worry.

For the last 2 weeks, I have had a weird feeling in one side of my head. It isn't sore and I can't feel anything there (if I touch my head with my hand). It just feels different. It's hard to describe the feeling but sometimes it feels almost numb - though it isn;t if that makes sense? All I know, is that part of my head feels different to the rest of my head. Sometimes that feeling goes away and I'm left with something that feels like there is a small pea sized lump under my head / scalp - though if I touch my head there is nothing there. It's like I can just feel something inside my head. I know I must sound mad and believe me, I feel mad! I am driving myself crazy! The more I think about it, the more I can feel it and the more I worry about it, the more I can feel it.

I have put off going to the doctors again because I feel a bit silly since it's not actually sore and isn't causing me any discomfort - except the worry. I have been trying to look it up on the internet and I'm not really getting much except that things like this can sometimes be brought on my stress and anxiety.

Ever since I was wee, I have always been a big worrier. Worrying from things such as dying to other things like thinking I'm breathing funny or thinking that there is something really bad wrong with me if I'm ill / have hurt something etc. The feeling / worry usually passes quite quickly but I think this has been the longest I've stressed out about something and I just want it to go away.

I have decided to make a doctors appointment to talk about what I have just described as I really am going to end up making myself ill but I just wondered if anyone had any thoughts ./ advice on my situation? Have you ever experienced what i am feeling in my head and do you think it is linked to stress / anxiety?

Apart from these feelings, i feel fine. Have no others problems or pains in my body, I just feel how I usually feel.

I'd really appreciate some feedback just to stop me driving myself crazy!!

20-10-11, 09:12
Can anyone help?

I feel a bit better today, much better actually. Can hardly feel anything as in the feeling is nearly away. Hopefully!! Will just need to try and not think about it because that's when I really start feeling it.

I'm going to make a doctors appointment today for next week so that gives me a few days to see if the feeling goes away or not.

It's just a really odd feeling to explain. I probably wouldn't notice it otherwise but I think since I found that lump in my neck, my fears have just been heightened. And as I said before, it isn't sore or anything and isn't causing any other symptoms.

I would really appreciate if anyone could provide thoughts or their experiences if they have went through something similar?

---------- Post added at 09:12 ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 ----------

Quick Update

Just made an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow morning. Suppose the sooner I talk about it the better! Though I feel a bit bad because as I said I feel a lot better today and can hardly feel the feeling I've been experiencing but I guess it is still best to talk to the doctor. I've never actually spoke about my anxiety or been diagnosed with it so it will be good to get it off my chest.

20-10-11, 09:23
hey hun my friend had this she had a brain scan everything was normal it is actually stress and anxiety believe it or not xxxx

20-10-11, 09:38
Thanks for your reply emmi. That's reassuring to hear! This is the first time I have ever experienced anything like this for seemingly no reason and heard it might be linked to anxiety. I think I've had anxiety all my life but more just in my mind as opposed to the physical side of it.

Although, I want to get to the bottom of the problem, I'm worried in case they send me away for a brain scan or something because I'm scared of what the outcome might be. Of course, it would be great if they said it was nothing but then what if it isn't?

I guess there is no point in worrying yet until I have talked to my doctor.

Thanks again.

21-10-11, 10:17
Another Wee Update

Went to the doctor's today and feel so much better. She totally reassured me. She said, from what I explained, and from what she could see (she felt my neck and head and checked my ears, throat and eyes) that there was nothing she could find which worried or concerned her and that it is most likely down to anxiety. She explained that I'd be surprised by how many physical pains can be linked to anxiety and to the mind. She was also really nice in saying that although she isn't worried by anything, she doesn't want me to feel that I can't come back to her if the symptoms persist or get worse (though they are actually getting better) so that made me feel better because I probably would think "Oh i can't go back" if they still persisted.

She also gave me a leaflet with some information and a phone number if I want to self refer myself for some help / advice on how to cope with anxiety and tips on how to control it so that was helpful.

Feel sooooo much better!!

21-10-11, 14:34
That's great. It is good to have an understanding doctor, I too am lucky and found one recently that is good with anxiety. I have a cyst on my neck and since noticing it, have had lots of stiffness! But it is just tension, stress etc. after realizing the cyst was there.