View Full Version : feel i cant breath

19-10-11, 18:57
hi guys
can a panic attack come on instant i dont get other symtoms other than i feel i cant breath it just comes on no palps or heart raceing i just feel i cant breath then i feel my panick comeing on

19-10-11, 19:07
Yup, unfortunately it can come on very suddenly for no reason. Some people just get the feeling that they can't breathe, which is scary and can lead to increased panic and fear. Have you checked out the symptoms link to the right of the Main Menu on this site? I believe there is a very good explanation on why we feel like we can't breathe or take in enough air. It's just a sensation, we almost always can breathe just fine. If it continues and you are very worried about it, then maybe your doctor can examine you and put your mind at ease? Hope you feel better soon! Xx

19-10-11, 19:21
thank u

19-10-11, 19:32
Yes, panic attacks are characterized by this rapid onset. If it is more of a slow build, then it is an anxiety attack.

---------- Post added at 14:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:32 ----------

That's in technical terms, at least. Both suck!

19-10-11, 19:35
Hi Melvin :)

I had this symptom too - it was my main one. The feeling of either being aware of my breathing and feeling as if I 'had' to do it or my body would stop, the feeling of having to take deep breaths to 'get enough' air, or the sheer feeling of just not being able to breathe when having a panic attack.

A trick that helped me overcome this is helping yourself to identify that you're mistaken about the sensation. You can do this by holding your breath for as long as you can (might be scary but trust me stick with it) you'll experience that, after a few seconds, your body will FORCE you to take a big breath - it won't let you 'stop' breathing. The more you come to realise this, the less you feel you are 'responsible' for your breathing and the fear surrounding it lessens - which gradually makes the symptom disappear. When it happens, don't entertain it - just carry on as normal the best you can. If you 'pander' to it by stretching, trying to take deeper breaths, drinking a glass of water, opening a window for 'fresher' air (All termed "coping mechanisms" in CBT)- you're reinforcing to yourself that it is a "scary" situation, which will encourage your body to respond in a fight-or-flight reaction, heightening your fear of it. You're saying to yourself, "If I don't do these coping mechanisms, who KNOWS what could have happened to me?!" - which reinforces the belief that the shortness of breath is something sinister that must be "controlled". However, if you just let it carry on in the background whilst you get on with what you're doing (easier said than done i know) - you'll experience that it is causing you no harm, and it will eventually go away the more your attention wanders from it.

As well, muscle tension from anxiety can affect the ability to breathe comfortably. You'll probably notice that your stomach is very tense when you feel short of breath - consciously relax your stomach, and your lungs will have more room to expand, making breathing easier.

Hope that helps!

anx mum
20-10-11, 20:55
Ihave this symptom right now hun and its really scaring me:weep: feel like my heart is about to stop straight after i will go into complete panic. Its horrible my docs telling me its anxiety.