View Full Version : Hello everyone!

20-10-11, 00:00
Hi everyone

I've been suffering from anxiety for quite a long time now, in fact I wonder if I've suffered from it for all my life sometimes! It's only in the last few years that I've sought help for it beyond taking medication and although I've definitely got better, it feels like it's always there ready to pounce at my low points...

I'm here because I hope talking about my experiences and reading other people's will help me to cope with this horrible illness/condition better. I feel at a loose end to be honest, whenever I feel like I'm making some progress something sets me back.

My anxiety mainly centers around my social life and relationships, although I worry constantly about pretty much everything else too. I have many physical symptoms too, palpatations, IBS, chest pains...etc!

Well! Hope to get to know you all :) take care

20-10-11, 00:02
Hi alwayshope

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-10-11, 00:46
Hi and :welcome:To NMP alwayshope.Im sure you willl find a lot of help and support here .Nice to see you .T/c Sue x

Veronica H
20-10-11, 10:54
:welcome:to NMP. you will find good information, comfort and support here.
