View Full Version : Recieved a letter after CT Scan.

20-10-11, 13:15
Ok i received a letter fter my CT Scan today doesnt say anything about the result's just asked me if i will attend for an Ultrasound of my abdomen.

The cause i am having this done i for trace's of blood in urine, why would they need a US Scan?

I am so freaking out atm!

20-10-11, 13:24
hi sometimes on ct scans dont show what is needed to see ,maybe they are doing ultrasound to see a bit more, im sure its only precaution or theyd of told you there and then when i had my ct scan i had results within half an hour, if you are worried ring up for some reassuramce as to why you need it hope all goes well
take care

20-10-11, 13:40
hi sometimes on ct scans dont show what is needed to see ,maybe they are doing ultrasound to see a bit more, im sure its only precaution or theyd of told you there and then when i had my ct scan i had results within half an hour, if you are worried ring up for some reassuramce as to why you need it hope all goes well
take care

Was something wrong with your CT Scan so you got contacted that quickly?

It was over 2 week's ago nearly 3 since i had my CT Scan they want me to have a US Scan on the 25th and i see the consultant on the 28th.

20-10-11, 13:54
i really wouldnt worry to much then if it wasnt straight away , yes unfort i did have something wrong why i was told so quickly.

20-10-11, 14:10
i really wouldnt worry to much then if it wasnt straight away , yes unfort i did have something wrong why i was told so quickly.

Sorry to hear that hope everything is better, i am trying not to worry and rationalise it but my mind is not letting me

20-10-11, 14:22
hi ive already had my ultrasound scan just before my other so they proberly have to do them all

---------- Post added at 14:22 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ----------

also trevstan what hospital are you under every one does things differently

20-10-11, 14:27
Yeah the consultant never explained to me that i would need a US Scan so it's just threw me up in the air with worry.

I rang the consultant's secratary and she said that it's normal procedure to have the set done normally,i asked if my CT Scan result's were in she said yes but she couldn't tell me the result's over the phone because she's not allowed, then i asked if anything serious was on the result's would i have been contacted A.S.A.P she said yes.

So should i not worry about this upcomming test since they have not contacted me about my CT Scan everything must be good?

20-10-11, 14:32
absolutley they would have got in touch with you and i didnt realise you hadnt had an us because you have to have them all apparently so you have nothing to worry about

20-10-11, 15:33
I think its down to the usual lack of communication fron your consultant- its probably standard proceedure to do the Ct then follow with the ultrasound but no one bothered to tell you this until you asked his secretary. They like all the tests done before your consultant appt a few days later.

At a renal ultrasound they also check your aorta as well to make sure its normal size - if they put the scanner over your middle and you are wondering why as your kidneys are not there this is what they are looking at which is another good check up for you.

They would have been in touch asking you to see the consultant within days if the Ct has shown anything horrible.

I know this for a fact when my cousin had ovarian cancer - she ahd the ultrasound one day and her Dr rang her that teatime and said please go to gyny consultant app tomorrow morning - she knew something nasty was going on.

20-10-11, 15:35
I am trying not to worry but sometimes its hard not to...

So its normal procedure to have both done? Wonder why the consultant didnt explain that i would need a US Scan when he told me i would need a CT Scan.

20-10-11, 20:11
i wasnt told i needed a urogram till after he had done the cystoscopy so dont worry about them not telling you everything they are going to do to you because they didnt tell me either

20-10-11, 20:18
Yeah thank's i just worried like "oh crap they must have found something in my Ct Scan and that is why he has ordered an ultrasound scan" but i guess if they had found something i would have been notified?

20-10-11, 20:37
yes you would have because i thought did they find something in my ultrasound what they are not telling me about and thats why they sent me for a urogram i think this is what peoples mind work like with health anxiety

20-10-11, 21:35
Yeah as soon as i seen it was a hospital letter my heart began to race then i seen that they wanted me to do a Ultrasound scan i thought great something must be up so he's ordered another test!

20-10-11, 22:40
yes its a horrible feeling like an adrenaling rush that starts from your feet engulfs your body until you can feel your face go hot and flushed and feel dizzy and your heart races thats what i feel when i get anything medical through the post x