View Full Version : shooting pain in left breast - PLEASE HELP!!!!!

20-10-11, 14:29
Hello Everyone,

I am really worried about my brest hurting me. It started about 2 days ago and i got ths shooting pain from my nipple to my armpit and it lasts a few seconds and it goes away then it comes back again. it is rather painful and very annoying. I just really need reassurance because im starting to think it might be breast cancer. (i googled and yea the results were not good as always) :weep: please someone reply

20-10-11, 14:42
hi ive had alsorts of pains in my breast mainly my left and yes shooting pains is one of them i even went to the gp with it and she wasnt concerned at all and just says dont all women get pains in there breast she was a female gp but the shooting pain are horrible i can have them for days at a time x

20-10-11, 15:29
Same here - I only ever get it in my left breast and I can also get feeling like I am being stung or prickled. I am not sure its even connected to the breast as such as with me I seem to get it when my upper back is hurting around shoulder blades and as we all know the nerves travel a long way in your body!

I have had these type of symptoms on and off for at least 10 years and can last up to 5 days with me.

Personally if they lasted for 2 weeks then i would seek reassurance but not before that.

20-10-11, 17:05
I have similar. Only ever in my left breast. I'd had it a while so went to my GP, and because I was concerned she sent me for an ultrasound. The nurse who did the scan was able to tell me there and then that everything was absolutely fine.

I still have it now from time to time, but it doesn't bother me now I know it's nothing serious.