View Full Version : Panic Sufferer, but now not sure which type:)

20-10-11, 16:19
Hi, I'm Infinity, I have lived in the Algarve Portugal for some years now and I have Panic Attacks. I started having panics when I was 21, after having an extreme bad bout of bronchitis, I was sent out by my ex husband to buy a paper and crashed the car into a lamp post, this was my first attack, I didn't have a clue what was happening to me, only that I couldn't breathe at all and I knocked on a door to get help and was turned away, I think they thought I was nuts or something, luckily I did find some kind people who took me in and gave me a glass of water, even helping me to phone my family, also drove me home too. I was referred to the doctors, who put me on a course of Lorenin, that I am still on but not as many as before and only one milligram. Just under two years ago, I had my son AJ, when I was pregnant phobias took over, I couldn't be driven in a car unless my now husband went at under 80 kph, I couldn't go out in the rain. I'm ok with that now though. My panic attack symptoms have been from severe to not so severe, but I have found that stress or change is a major factor, good or bad. I also just hate the ones you get for no absolute reason. But my major worry was a few days ago, I collapsed in a heap on the floor, I had felt stressed pre-hand, but my head went fuzzy, the room spun and everyone round me sounded muffled, I didn't completely black out, once I got to the floor I seemed to come out of it, I have had these before but not so severe and I have had a bad neck of late. What worries me, is that I have started staying in on my own, which I have never been able to do and I'm worried that it will happen when I pick up my son, as these things come out of the blue with no warning. Pre to this two weeks ago I managed to get to a park with friends, a Zoo park and even though I only saw one show, it was a major achievement for me. I just don't want to go back to square one, panicking about the near faints, hope someone has some useful advice and being that I'm a natural worrier can help me calm myself maybe enough to recognise symptoms I haven't noticed before. I would dearly love to help others too and share some of my experiences, hopefully some of my remedies may help someone else in need, thankyou for reading and I'm glad I found this site yesterday and added it to favourites via Google xxx :)

20-10-11, 16:22
Hi Infinity

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-10-11, 17:16
Hi Infinity

Welcome to the mad house, you are not alone here and won't be judged, and hopefully will get some help! :D

20-10-11, 18:05
Welcome, I only joined a few days ago too. :)

20-10-11, 18:34
Hi Infinity welcome to the forum.:)

20-10-11, 19:08
just want to say hi iv been to albufiera the old town many times in fact i go every yr . you have come to the right place for surport :)

20-10-11, 22:41
Thanks for all your warm Welcomes xxx

Yes I am near Albufeira, it's about ten minutes away from me :)