View Full Version : Not sure what this is but it feels horrible!!!

20-10-11, 16:19
Hi, I have been suffering from panic and anxiety since i was 8 and im now 31 and i can never say i have actually gone a day feeling normal or really good and i have noticed as i get older that the feelings and symtoms have changed and i think they are feeling worse!! I have never been on treatment or had councilling but have been back and forth to doctors but they never do anything for me just check my blood pressure and say i fine and send me away. I had an ECG years ago and that was fine and they just said it was panic. Last year the doctor told me to have some bloods taken but i chickened out because im scared he will say there is something more wrong with me and i couldnt handle that, I got sent for CBT but couldnt sit there for long and had to leave and didnt go again.

Im trying to deal with this myself as i have done all this time but im finding it a real struggle these last few days i been feeling horrible. Now the symptoms are in my head now. I keep feeling lightheaded and feel like im gonna pass out and have weird waves of horrible feelings of dread and other feelings i cant explain through my head and body mostly when im out and about or when i know im about to go out!! I have just been on the school run and was feeling it driving home but now im indors them feelings have eased so i know this must me more anxiety.

Im digging my nails in myself all the time marking myself when im out just to cope with these feelings. I feel numbness in my face and sometimes in my arms but not properbad but that starts me off more. Does anyone else feel like this?? I got an appointment mon to have an ECG because i told the doctor that i fear my heart beats irregular so for my peace of mind he said he will do one at the surgery but i know once that is on my heart will be racing with panic because i will be worried. This feelings make me feel really bad. I try and get on with things and still go out and push myself although the last couple of days i have been in all day untill i do the school run and if i do feel on edge i sleep it off. Then i feel really re;axed again when i wake up then the feelings come again!! I know i will never be cured of this but i dont want to go on pills either i just want to know if anyone else feels the way i do and how you cope or is there a different way i can cope with all this??? Another thing that has never been a problem for me before is i cant listen to music at times or watch things on t.v if its upsetting because i start feeling weired and it sets me off. I know im sounding like a weirdo now lol but im not its just the way these horrible things are making me feel Its scary to think that im feeling worse as i get older im 31 now im dreading that they will be like by the time im 40 unless i can get this sorted!!!

The last time i went to the doctor he told me that i was dehydrated could that also set off these symptoms??

21-10-11, 10:42
Hi Kelly

I am feeling the same way, I just turned 30 and the last four weeks have been the worst of my life. I wake up everyday feeling really nervous and almost like iam in a dream world. It's terrible. I have stopped eating and i have lost almost all my body fat, which I think is making the problem worse. I have been to my doctor and she gave me anti-depressants and valium, which helps. I think you need to go to the doctors and get some help, whether it be medication or councilling. I started not feeling right about a year ago, but ignored the signs, I wasnt eating well, and I should have got this sorted then and it might not have got so bad. I have been taking the anti-depressants for a few weeks now, they havent started working yet, but as people have explained to me on this site, it can take 6-8 weeks for you to start feeling the benefit.
At first I really didn't want to take mind altering drugs such as anti-depressants, but I think sometimes your brain needs to get out of the habit of feeling like this and the drugs can help you do that at least for the short time.
Also like you I havent been able to listen to music for the past few weeks either, even though I was always listening to my mp3 player. Every little thought or emotion seems to set me off. At the minute our brains are overloaded with anxiety and it wont take much to set us off.
Dehydration will definitely make your symptoms worse, please try and drink as much water as possible. I know for a fact that the reason I feel worse is because I havent been eating.
I have only been on this site for a week or so, but people on here have been really helpful and have helped to put my mind at rest.


22-10-11, 07:20
read up about CBT.

The only way to beat this is to confront it and challenge it head on. You brain is over reacting to certain things and you need to teach it not to. Its hard but doable.

Meds should be only for temporary use.

23-10-11, 02:44
read up about CBT.

The only way to beat this is to confront it and challenge it head on. You brain is over reacting to certain things and you need to teach it not to. Its hard but doable.

Meds should be only for temporary use.

You can't make generalisations like that.
Some people need meds
I was on them for 5 yrs and now I'm off them and cured.
If not for them I'd still be mess.CBT had no effect whatsoever for me.

24-10-11, 12:10
hi, just a quick message to say dehydration + not eatin enough food through out the day can set the symptoms off soo make sure you are eating and drining properly i found that out lol
Becky xx

24-10-11, 16:49
CBT was the best thing I did. You will find that the person your doing this with will be the nicest, friendliest and most understanding of your problem than anyone else. Doctors can only give you some meds, but CBT will hopefully help you control it and not need meds for long.

Bets of luck!

25-10-11, 01:35
Good point Bekk
I found a 4pm snack improved things out of sight.
My GP suffers both anxiety and depression so she understood and was a great help.
Anyone who hasn't been a sufferer can never REALLY understand the problem.
CBT is like hypnosis - works for some but not others

25-10-11, 08:43
Anyone awake?

26-10-11, 18:51
Hi Kelly

All the symptoms you describe are very common symptoms of anxiety. This is VERY treatable if you get the right treatment. If you can't do face to face CBT why not try CBT4PANIC (see the link below) which you can try for a whole month free.

I had severe panic disorder myself and fully recovered - I know what you are going through and I know it seems like you will never recover but you absolutely can - regardless of how long you have had this.

Panic is built on misinterpretations of exaggerated symptoms of anxiety - and once you have a greater understanding of how panic is set in motion and how it is maintained and then you learn skills to help you deal with and face your symptoms your anxiety levels will drop dramatically.

Please don't think that there is no way out of this - there is and I have seen people recover again and again.

Why not give the programme a try - you have nothing to lose

Best of luck

26-10-11, 22:07
Hi Robin
There certainly is light at the end of the tunnel
I too am living proof that this can be beaten
Phill :shades:

27-10-11, 00:53
Hi Phill
Absolutely - and not just that, panic is much easier to treat than people imagine.

When you suffer from panic for a long time and have tried everything you can think of to 'get rid of it' without success you then understandably start to believe that it can never be fixed.

But the irony is that many of the seemingly logical things we do to cope with panic actually maintain the problem.

So it's not that it is actually very difficult to cure - it's that we just often try to tackle it from completely the wrong direction.

27-10-11, 01:32
I wouldn't say it was easy Robin.
5 years on meds and a new career til I could go it alone.
Phill :shades:

27-10-11, 08:31
Hi Phil

What I mean is it is easier to treat than you might think ONCE you get the right treatment.

I have been able to help people turn it around very quickly who have been struggling for many years trying to 'get rid of' panic in a variety of ways.

I also mean that panic is often easier to treat than some other disorders that are maintained by life long core beliefs. Because panic attacks themselves are built upon understandable misinterpretations of harmless anxiety symptoms results can happen quite quickly once a person learns about panic and how to change their thought patterns and behaviours.

But I also agree it's not 'easy' to implement - I know that only too well from my personal experience - it can feel like hell on earth for a long time.

30-10-11, 01:48
Hi, I have been suffering from panic and anxiety since i was 8 and im now 31 and i can never say i have actually gone a day feeling normal or really good and i have noticed as i get older that the feelings and symtoms have changed and i think they are feeling worse!! I have never been on treatment or had councilling but have been back and forth to doctors but they never do anything for me just check my blood pressure and say i fine and send me away. I had an ECG years ago and that was fine and they just said it was panic. Last year the doctor told me to have some bloods taken but i chickened out because im scared he will say there is something more wrong with me and i couldnt handle that, I got sent for CBT but couldnt sit there for long and had to leave and didnt go again.

Im trying to deal with this myself as i have done all this time but im finding it a real struggle these last few days i been feeling horrible. Now the symptoms are in my head now. I keep feeling lightheaded and feel like im gonna pass out and have weird waves of horrible feelings of dread and other feelings i cant explain through my head and body mostly when im out and about or when i know im about to go out!! I have just been on the school run and was feeling it driving home but now im indors them feelings have eased so i know this must me more anxiety.

Im digging my nails in myself all the time marking myself when im out just to cope with these feelings. I feel numbness in my face and sometimes in my arms but not properbad but that starts me off more. Does anyone else feel like this?? I got an appointment mon to have an ECG because i told the doctor that i fear my heart beats irregular so for my peace of mind he said he will do one at the surgery but i know once that is on my heart will be racing with panic because i will be worried. This feelings make me feel really bad. I try and get on with things and still go out and push myself although the last couple of days i have been in all day untill i do the school run and if i do feel on edge i sleep it off. Then i feel really re;axed again when i wake up then the feelings come again!! I know i will never be cured of this but i dont want to go on pills either i just want to know if anyone else feels the way i do and how you cope or is there a different way i can cope with all this??? Another thing that has never been a problem for me before is i cant listen to music at times or watch things on t.v if its upsetting because i start feeling weired and it sets me off. I know im sounding like a weirdo now lol but im not its just the way these horrible things are making me feel Its scary to think that im feeling worse as i get older im 31 now im dreading that they will be like by the time im 40 unless i can get this sorted!!!

The last time i went to the doctor he told me that i was dehydrated could that also set off these symptoms??

Hello Kelly,
I have the same symptoms as you, and when they start I cannot tolerate noise, voices or can pursue a conversation, it almost feels like temporary madness. I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, but I think this is due to anxiety as soon as the blood pressure moniter go's on to my arm, so they never get an accurate reading. The worst thing is that family and friends think that I'm losing the plot and that I'm miserable. It's a very cruel dissorder, it made me a prisoner for many months, as I would feel my legs go weak, and feel the ground move and would panic that I might faint. I have found a lack of sleep caused by late nights, drinking alcohol and nicotine tends to stimulate this dissorder. Rest is crucial, plenty of water, and I found magnesium phosphate and potassium phosphate tends to balance the nervouse system. I also think in some cases Adrenal dysfunction can cause the flight or flight response to malfunction. But during these attacks we need to keep as calm and as rational as possible knowing that nothing serious can happen to us, this is easier said than done, but its like riding the waves when surfing or if you have ever given birth, its like going along with each contraction. Your not alone, I'm yet to try some of the breathing techniques etc..as my life has become more stressful which makes this task difficult.

All the best