View Full Version : Heart Fears Amongst Others - When Do You Know When Its Anxiety or When Its Real

20-10-11, 17:36
I am always on here and at the moment I have alot going on. Me and my abusive husband finally split up on 30th August which I am glad about, but I have to move house out of the area and as we only moved here from Germany on 1st July, its a farse having to sort everything out again, so I could say that I am stressed.

I recently put a thread on here about acid reflux, it seems to have improved although I panic being a single mum now and the thought of anything happening to me.

We all mention on here our ailments and our fears, but how do we really know when it is an anxiety/panic issue or when it is actually real. About 20 minutes ago I had a horrible twinge in my back and immediately I felt a panic attack coming on, hot flush and all the bit!! I have heard that a woman's symptoms of a heart attack is different to a man's? A female Doctor I used to see had a heart attack and one of her symptoms was back ache. I know there is very little we can do to stop ourselves from getting major illnesses but I can't help scareing myself half to death.

I suppose if I analyse myself, I am feeling ok, right now I have a dry mouth and feel hot in the face and I am terrified of feeling this horrible feeling in my back again, I absolutely hate feeling like this and wish to God there was some way I could stop myself thinking irrational thoughts. I feel such a hypercondriact.

What can I do? x

20-10-11, 19:14
one of my bigest fears is a heart attack but iv had middle back pain for months my doc told me it was muscle i did not belive her so after many test i found it was my musle lol. i allso get lots of chest pain due to accid reflux so i know how you feel

20-10-11, 19:28
What are we like, we are mad surely lol. I just get myself in a mess mentally about certain things and my imagination runs away with me. I know they are irrational thoughts but as my title suggests, when do we actually take ourselves seriously? Anxiety and panic attacks allow us to get awful exadgerated health fears but we then, once we have calmed down shrug them off, when do we actually take serious action over a fear? This is my problem, a larger percentage of me says its nothing and that its anxiety but my fear is more that I am making the wrong assumption and that it i something serious which terrifies me. Sometimes I wish I was a Doctor or had a Doctor to hand 24 hours a day, but there again look at what happened to Michael Jackson ha ha