View Full Version : every days a bad day

23-05-06, 08:38
ive had mild anxiety and panic for a long time now. but since last week ive been suffering with severe panic and anxiety every day i cant seem to go out and the thought seeing any of my friends feels me with panic. i have just changed my tablets from citalopram to fluoxetine which im going to start taking today. have any of you every suffered like this? is it normal or have i really suffered some sort of mental breakdown? i just want my life back but dont know where to begin i hate feeling so scared everyday it starts the second i open my eyes. any advice you can offer would be great thanks

23-05-06, 09:05
Sorry you are feeling so bad, it was just the same for me, mild anxiety/worry for a long time, sometimes feeling OK with the world then a low patch, then wham just out of the blue couldn't cope. But i believe it was the build up of the stress and anxiety in my body overtime that never went away that caused my body to react in this way. I am now trying to put in coping and relaxation strategies, and the bad days are less and the good days are more again, I do wake up thinking good or bad day but then realise it is going to be mychoice. I think the fact that you're changing meds may also influence your anxiety levels too as it will changes in your chemistry so don't worry too much, I'm sure it will all settle down again.
take care, thinking of you


'This too will pass'

23-05-06, 12:29

Im too sorry things not too good but promise you have not had a mental breakdown, this is just a bad anxiety attack and despite the fact it feels awful it will pass, I have felt just like this recently and have pushed my doctor to get me into counselling sessions,

Are you receiving any counselling or help?

Thinking of you

Wendy xx

23-05-06, 13:31
Yeah, as bad as it seems it is just anxiety. Your meds probably have something to do with it, but you need to start introducing relaxation techniques into your daily life and setting aside some quiet time so you can start to give your body a break. It will be hard at first but with persaverance you will start to notice the days getting easier.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

23-05-06, 14:31
Hi there,

I've been where you are several times and have recently got over another bad patch. I can honestly say that I've been 98% free of anxiety for about 3 weeks.

I know at the time it seems like it's here to stay, but honestly hun, it will get better, I promise.

Shiv x

23-05-06, 15:17
hi sorry you are feeling not too good...i too have been feeling like this most days and its not easy to cope at times..i know the minute i wake up i feel ok but as soon as i get up all the feelings of dread come flooding in...just try to take it easy and im sure it will pass in time..i suppose the more we worry the worse we feel..its breaking our thought cycle thats the hardest!!
good luck and take care

24-05-06, 17:57

i was just the same as you, but its true over time it does get better.
I found my good times started out weighing the bad times.

Have you heard of mindfulness ?
I totally recommend it because it will help you see things more clearly and help you relax and recover.

