View Full Version : Even more health worries :(

20-10-11, 20:55
I went to the doctors on tuesday about constant headaches I keep getting and got told it was migraines, but me being me, I think it's something more serious. I had a cold yesterday, temperature, runny nose etc. It seems to have cleared up today but I have terrible pain in my left armpit, made worse by thinking about it and worrying what it is, of course. I've had this pain in my armpit for a while and it's sometimes in my left groin aswell. It's like an ache most of the time but it gets worse for a few minutes and I get aching in my left arm and left leg from my groin hurting.

Has anyone else ever had this and could possibly shed some light on what it is? And hopefully stop me worrying and convincing myself I'm dying again :weep: