View Full Version : My shadow is called anxiety

20-10-11, 21:24
Oh yes, my shadow, that I call anxiety, you know I am about to talk about you again. But first I shall tell you I am a young 54 years old :). and have suffered from my shadow for 20 years now, with a few odd 'good' years off and on inbetween. This latest episode is a tough one, as I don,t have the same support network of family and friends that I once had. This condition is like a shadow lurking in the bushes, hiding, and just waiting for something in life to happen, and then it pounces like a demented lion, sinking its claws in and clinging on for dear life. Well guess what? he's not going to win. I will find a way to beat him. This website is a fab way to start, really liking the site. Hope to hear from you soon, take care x

20-10-11, 21:25
Hi sjrene

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-10-11, 21:27
Hi sjrene:welcome:to the forum.

20-10-11, 21:43
Hi, Thankyou for your welcome, :)

29-10-11, 21:35
Hi, don't worry your shadow will oneday be wiped away by the sunlight. Life begins one step at a time. Never go back, only towards the light x

Vanilla Sky
31-10-11, 10:45
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x