View Full Version : Heart Worries - CHF?

20-10-11, 21:50
Hi guys, thanks in advance for taking the time to read my post.

I'm 22 years old, about 110kgs, not fit, obviously overweight, non-smoker, seldom drink alcohol, and the only drug i've ever taken is caffeine.

For the past 3 years or so I've been battling with anxiety over my heart. From what I remember, I've always been able to feel it pounding even when I was barely a teenager, but for some reason I have come to notice it more these past few years. My resting heart rate right now is around 75-80bpm but just standing up and walking a few paces will make it jump to 100-110bpm.

The first time I went to the doctors for my heart was when it just wouldn't stop beating so hard, and at about 100-110bpm. I had an ECG and blood tests, and was told everything was normal. My anxiety continued and with the onset of chest pain (not in relation to exertion), I took myself to A&E where I was gicen several ECGs and blood tests, but again all these were normal. The only test that was abnormal was a 24hr urine test for cortisol, which was high due to anxiety (I assume).

Basically I have not done much exercise the past year. After graduating from university, I was unemployed and due to complicated circumstances I could only either work full time or not at all. Hence, I spent a lot of time on my posterior doing nothing.

Last month, I started a postgraduate course, and everything seemed better. Until I had to start walking regularly from the bus stop, up a gradual incline up to the university (about 1 mile away - 10 minutes).

I'm worried that I have something wrong with my heart. Worried that I didn't get myself fully checked out at the time, and it has worsened over time and has damaged my heart - hence the fears about heart failure.

I get out of breath and get a tight chest when walking to and from my university (granted, it's worse when I go uphill...), and my heart is pounding really bad and fast. When I go up 2 flights of stairs, it's the same. I once had to go to the fifth floor of the library, which I did via stairs without any break in between - I was gasping for breath at the top, and my heart was really pounding heart and fast, too.

I'm scared to go out, to do any walking or activity - because it will only provide further evidence that there is something wrong. I don't get any chest pain when I'm walking, just tight chest. There are even moments when I am tight-chested when I'm walking, but then I take an even deeper breath and it momentarily improves before going back.

Also, in the past few weeks (probably more like 5 weeks), I have developed a bit of a cough. It's not a dry tickly cough, but a chesty one. Where you need to cough to be able to breathe in deeply, but there is never any sputum. This also happens after I have eaten.

The other complaint I have is I get pins and needles quite easily. Even sitting on the toilet for more than 5 minutes and I get pins and needles in my feet (which are often cold), and I often wake up in the morning with a numb limb (though sometimes I realise I have been laying on it.)

I don't have any swelling in my ankles, but I do have a visible pulse in my neck, below my adam's apple. It is strong enough that my shirt moves.

I sincerely apologise for the long post, but I live alone away from my family and I have recently broken up with my girlfriend. I don't have anywhere else but here to express what I'm feeling.

Could it be possible that I have CHF at such a young age? Or is this all a sign of needing to do a lot more exercise after being sedentary for a while? I have had the heart symptoms on and off for a while as I said, but the getting out of breath easily is something new.

One final thing: thank you. Sincerely.


20-10-11, 22:34
You do not have CHF. If you can walk up 5 flights of stairs without collapsing you are fine. Yes it's due to being unfit but that will soon change with the walking.

20-10-11, 23:47
Hi Paul,

If you've had an ECG within the past few years, to the best of my knowledge, it's very unlikely that you have undetected CHF barring some obvious illness between then and now.

Aside from the fact that I'm underweight, I could have written your post word for word. I've suffered with anxiety since I was a child, but developed panic disorder and agoraphobia in my late teens/early twenties because of a racing pulse which I fixated on until I made myself panic about it endlessly. I have a visible pulse in my neck, and in my stomach, blue hands and feet in the winter, and I'm very often short of breath when walking up stairs or an incline. No end of tests have confirmed that I am, in fact, fine. Just really unfit because of years of gastric upsets/lack of exercise/lack of sleep/poor diet because of anxiety.

Speak to your doctor to get some peace of mind, and you should find that gentle exercise will help you get better at first (with your doctor's blessing). In my case, I take atenolol to lower my resting heart rate from 120-130bpm, and this enables me to exercise, which I couldn't do before atenolol. So far I've reduced my resting heart rate from 97 on beta-blockers to 80 with a month and a bit of exercise and CBT. A lot of people have commented that they can hardly see my pulse in my neck anymore, which is progress!

Whichever route you take, with the support of your doctor, you can do it.


21-10-11, 00:01
Sorry to post on here... This was the most recent post..

Basically, I've been prescribed 20mg Citalopram today, and I took one about 5 hours ago.

Over the past 2 hours of that, i've felt absolutely weird.

My muscle's are tight, my teeth are chattering, weird taste in mouth i'm really shakey and I keep wanting to be sick, i'm not tired and i'm just behaving in a very odd manor...


23-10-11, 21:25
Thanks guys for your replies. I'm currently suffering from cellulitis in my right leg (probably via eczema), and I've been to the doctors for antibiotics. The swelling is massive, and in my ankle too, and it's quite worrying. I've had the swelling for about 5 days now and I'm almost finished my 7 day course of tablets. The swelling is also pitting, so I can press it in and it stays in for a while.

I'm worried this is another symptom of chf, especially when I read that I could have poor circulation in my legs. I have the weird stasis pigmentation, the cramps in my calves when walking for more than 10 minutes, the lack of hair growth on my right calf... Surely I can't have athesclerosis at 22 years of age? :( or heart failure for that matter :( but my symptoms indicate otherwise...don't they?

24-10-11, 19:31
has anyone else had these symptoms? I'm really worried, and I can't get a doctor's appointment for a week... I was walking to uni today and again my chest was tight, and my calf muscles are tender to the touch and sore to put any weight on :(