View Full Version : Crazy one...

20-10-11, 22:23
Hey, I know this will make me sound like I'm incredibly dumb...but I read that this American man has said the world will end tomorrow.

He originally said May and I was in a terrible state back then but got through it and then he said definitely October because May was just 'Judgement day' and it happened silently and tomorrow is the day when all humans will be chosen to go to heaven or hell.

His name is Harold Camping if you want to look him up.

I know i'm mad for getting worried about this but it scares me so much, and I'm not even religious!! (well not anymore, I used to be).

Can't face it if I go to heaven and my friends and some of my family go to hell because I was christened and they weren't :(

Thanks to anyone who reads this x

20-10-11, 22:27
aw hun seriously nothing going to happen i wouldn't worry about it they said the world was going to end in 2000 and we are all still here and we are are living in hell on earth there is only heaven left which we are all going x

20-10-11, 22:30
hes a crank hes mad as a hatter dont worry its all lies
god bless

20-10-11, 22:39
Ah thanks guys that means alot, I remember 2000 and was freaking out about that one too lol.

And yes i've seen interviews with this guy and he does seem...'odd'!!!

I just naturally worry about all this kind of stuff, dont even know how I will cope over Dec 2012.

Thanks again

20-10-11, 22:44
This man has spouted his tosh so many times before about the world ending. How he has the nerve to keep doing it is beyond me.:shrug:

Don't worry crystal17. It is a load of poo.


20-10-11, 22:56
Thanks Debs :)

I'm having a couple of glasses of wine to calm down, thats how anxious ive been all evening! I know it sounds silly but I just dont want the world to end.

My head tells me he's pretty much in cuckoo land, but the anxirty side of me keeps saying 'what if?'..

Thanks for replying x x

20-10-11, 23:03
I believe he's just a money making lunatic...who will be proven wrong again! It angers me how he is controlling so many people with fear.

And as for 2012..couldnt help but post this hehe..

20-10-11, 23:07
haha @alwayshope that has made me smile!

I agree, it is frustrating how he has controlled so many people with fear. I feel for some of his 'followers' who have given up everything to spread the word of his prophesy.