View Full Version : new member new worries

23-05-06, 09:42
Hi there, I'm not actually that new I haven't had health anxiety for about six years I managed to control it with being extra health concious i.e. going to gym eating the right foods, taking vitamins etc.
But for some reason it's back with avengance, with the same old symptoms and a few new ones to boot.
It all started when I had 'Labyrinthitis' a few months ago I've had it three times in the last ten years and it has gone pretty quickly but I'm still dizzy now with this one when I bend down or lie too flat. I'm waiting for an appointment with ENT.
In the meantime I've also got joint pain (in wrists, finger and sometimes hip and knees)
I've got wierd splashes of water sensations on my legs (which was my pain scary symptom six years ago).
Anyway like an idiot I just put joint pain into the computer to see what would come up and now I'm convinced I have a serious nuerological illness, ms, brain tumour or even Lupus or Rheumatoid arthritis and I just read about Fabry disease and it looks like I could have that too!
I've got an appointment with my gp at 10.40 'cause I'm freaking out.
Can anyone please help.

23-05-06, 10:18

I know exactly how you feel, too much information is definitely a bad thing in this instance.

I'm starting to learn that there are millions of reasons why things happen to our bodies...our problem is that we always focus on the most morbid explanations, which then leads to other anxiety symptoms, which convinces us are fears are justified!

Hopefully your GP will be able to put your mind at rest today and you will feel much better after seeing him.

Take care


23-05-06, 10:24

Also have had lots of pains and aches over the weekend.

See my post regarding last Sunday:

Dreadful Sunday - Aching all over (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=10281)

It feels so real and seems to be a serious illness taking grip. The thing is it comes and goes and it will get better. Anxiety is a nasty disorder.

You'll get through it, you see.

Take care,

~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

23-05-06, 10:28
Hi, I had labyrinthitus last summer it lasted 3 weeks and was hell so I know how you feel. I also get lots of joint pain, never had any tests for that as I am phobic of doctors ,hospitals ect only see a doctor when They come to me. Hope you get all the reassurance you need today. Let us know how you get on.

Barb xx

23-05-06, 11:06
Hi, I have BPPV/vertigo and had dizziness on and off for over 20 years, sometimes so badly couldn'y get up, couldn't lie on my right side for over 17 years. I do exercises now after seeing a balance therapist, i have explained them on a number of posts to if you search dizziness you may find it or PM me. Hope your GP helps, s/he can give you tabs for the dizziness but long term the exercises do work.
Take care


'This too will pass'