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View Full Version : Cervix colposcopy and MRI anthrogram

20-10-11, 22:28
Hi I'm new to this site but have read many threads and taken comfort from the fact other people understand.
I have a needle/ medical phobia. I have to go for a cervical colposcopy and cauterisation and am using 5mg of diazepam and ibuprofen to get me through.
I also need and MRI anthrogram on my hip but the panic is so great I can't even make the appointment. My husband was even shocked by my reaction of instant terror, shaking, short of breath, sweating etc and that was just trying to make the appointment.
I have ended up in a hospital bed before just through the sight of needles and atmosphere of hospitals. I really need it done, I know that but just can't bring myself to. I have asked for a local aneasthetic or Emla but they have said this isn't possible
The dr has prescribed 5mg of diazepam but there is a 'spare' tablet. Does the diazepam really help and could I safely take the spare tablet?

Many thanks


20-10-11, 22:33
i too have a meddle phobia not as bad as i used to be but still enough to put me in cold sweats i have had loads of needles and not passed out once just get the panic which has never harmed me and once its over i am ok so thats whats makes me feel a bit better and if your in hospital and you panic you will find that the nurses will soon calm you down x

21-10-11, 10:41
is it simply the sight of the needle or the needle puncturing the skin ie; it doesnt bother you at all when it actually goes in?

if so, this is my feelings on needles so the way I handle it is not to have my eyes open when they ready the needle. i dont watch them bring it to me and then push it in. i just close my eyes and try to relax.
then you feel a slight "scratch" as they like to call it and your done!


21-10-11, 14:50
Thanks for your replies, unfortunatly it's the anticipation and everything, I just had a biopsy no needle at all, it's not a pain thing, but before the procedure the dr recommended 15mg of diazepam as 7 had done nothing, thankfully for the rest of the 'ladies' procedures they're going to knock me out but still I have to face the die being injected into the cartilage of the hip. It seems to be more an issue that it's going through skin. I hate it. I've tried alsorts, handling needles, watching others, but the fear just overcomes me.
Daft I know and I would give anything to get over it as I am usually a very fit active person running, cycling and swimming but now can't do anything but this seems a better option than the tests.