View Full Version : Argh - getting worse

23-05-06, 10:55
Dont mean to go on but......

If you see from my last thread...sore mouth

Well it is getting worse, its not really sore but it feels funny, tingly, sort of like i need to scratch it!

Anyway did a STUPID thing[:I] and googled sore mouth and it came out with mouth cancer......so now thats it i am convinced. Have been to the loo and tried to do a full check of my mouth but now I am worrying!

Feel very stressed....should i go to the Docs with yet another irrational symptom![?]

Really appreciate your advice and time!

Hay x

23-05-06, 11:03
Lots of other reasons - don't Google -its bad for you. Have you been taking antibiotics, eaten any crusty bread - these give me a sore mouth. Lots of foods can irritate your gums, new toothpaste you name it. Are you due to see your dentist? Also ulcers etc can be a sign of being run down and stressed so its probably just that.
Hope this helps


'This too will pass'

23-05-06, 11:07
Thanks Guys.
I may just book an appointment at the Docs
just in case. am a little worried!

It has been happening for about 3 weeks on and off!

Hay x

23-05-06, 11:31
Have booked an appointment for after work.
I always feel very embarrassed going to the Doc as i know she will be like.....og god not you again, whats wrong now!

Hay x

23-05-06, 14:33
Daisy's right when you're stressed and run down you will be prone to mouth ulcers and sores.

You're organising a wedding: you're bound to be stressed! I know I am!

Shiv x

23-05-06, 16:13

Please dont worry about what...

..."you think" ......"your GP might think about you"....

If they arent very sympathetic towards your concerns then they arent a very good GP in my opinion.

I am only guessing that they know you suffer from anxiety and health anxiety issue?

So please forgive me if I am going over old ground previously discussed.

So, if they dont PLEASE make sure you explain the reasons why you have come in, and make sure you tell them about your compulsions to use internet search engines to self -diagnose and that you repeatedly come up with a diagnosis that fills you with fear and anxiety which ultimately makes you feel worse....

Personally.... I think thats what you should be telling your GP after work first and foremost, you know your not mad as we all suffer the with exactly the same thing.

Dont get me wrong, as I TOTTALY sympathise with you and how your feeling and the way your symptoms make you suffer .... a nasty soare throat, is probably nothing more than what it is, a nasty sore throat, and as others have said more than likely caused by stress and feeling of being run down by the stress and constant worry...

Its like a vicious circle, and I would hope that with the help of you GP and family/friend its one you CAN ease...

I know its harder said than done, but im doing it tonight too after work.

Good Luck & let us know how you get on !!

23-05-06, 16:38
Thanks Rich.

MtyGP is aware that i do suffer from anxiety and have had councelling from her referral. She is very sympathetic, but sometimes i feel she may just put everything down to anxiety when there maybe some serious problem...again i know this is the anxiety speaking.

Wil let you know how i get on!

Hay x

23-05-06, 18:21
hayley i too get sore mouth regularly , i think it is when we have this fear and we are run down that our mouths along with alot of other organs feel the effects. i get sore mouth all over and at other times mouth ulcers.

its nothing to worry about im sure of that
