View Full Version : has anyone got over there fear of palps / ectopics?

21-10-11, 09:44
Hi guys, I only get very occasional palps now maybe a few a month, but they still scare me just the same!!! I worry the whole day after having one!!! Crazy!! Had loads of tests to , seen loads of docs..........has anyone been able to stop worrying about there palps?

21-10-11, 13:54
Hey, I've been having ectopics or skipped heart beats for sometime too. When I do get them it always scares me but I always try to tell myslef that I'm ok. I've had a bunch of test done too and everything came back clear. I know its all in my head but like you, when it does happen I think about it the whole day. Your not alone. It can be very uncomfortable and scary.

21-10-11, 15:44
I used to get ectopic beats literally all the time, every second or third beat. I couldn't sleep for them and used to sit and cry in the evenings. Lately they have been so much better with the help, support and advice which I received on this site. So really, when I get the odd one or two now I just ignore them and carry on. If they did me no harm when they were rattling in ten to the dozen, sure the odd one will hardly harm me either. That's the way I look at it anyway now. Good luck in ignoring them. X

21-10-11, 16:57
I used to be petrified when I got palps. Now I don't let them bother me too much. I get atleast 1 a day but some days I get dozens. I know why I get them and understand that they aren't dangerous so I don't let it ruin my day if I get a few. I just give myself a second to say "I'm OK just harmless palps" and carry on. You'll get there, trust me I used to get myself into a terrible state about them, I'd throw myself into a panic attack and end up in the hospital. If I can learn to accept them, then anyone can! :)

21-10-11, 19:20
Hello, I get palpitations about a dozen times a day, especially in the evenings. I was terrified of them for a while, kept thinking I was about to lose consciousness cos my heart felt like it had stopped. I obsessively felt my pulse and that just made it so much worse, every time I felt my pulse I was more convinced it was abnormal.

I went to the doctor about them and have had a 24 hour ECG and an echocardiogram, which proved that my heart is normal. I try and think about my heart as a strong muscle that can cope with the odd funny beat. Did you know that everyone has ectopic beats every day but only some people feel them. They do feel horrible and weird but they really are harmless. I made myself stop feeling my pulse which was hard at first but has really helped. If I feel one I just take a deep breath and think "eurgh what a nasty feeling but I know it's just a harmless ectopic beat" then get on with whatever I was doing.

Also the lady that gave me the echo told me that she used to have ectopics a lot for about a year then they just went away. So chances are they won't be with you forever.

You will be fine and you can stop worrying about them :-)

07-11-11, 23:02
Hello again,
here is a forum/site that has opened my eyes a bit.
The moderator is a retired 90 y o neurologist with tons of experience in palpitations.
He has a good word for everyone who posts there with questions - you just need to be patient waiting for his answer.
I hope it helps.