View Full Version : I'm not going to let it win.

21-10-11, 10:31
Recently, the good days have been outweighing the bad days and I am no longer having panic attacks (yay :)) My fear of not being able to breathe seems to have gone away as well, which was probably the scariest one out of all my fears. There are some things which have a habit of returning, like emetophobia and random attacks of not being able to swallow, but as long as I sit down, take a deep breath and do something to take my mind off it, it helps an awful lot. Then bam, it's gone. And I can therefore reassure myself that these feelings are not part of a physical illness. I have had OCD for around 7 years, so that is going to take some fighting because it's still very much 'there'. And so is my health anxiety. But I'm not going to let these things take over my life.
I am 16 years old and I have not had any medication or therapy, so I am immensely proud of myself. Actually, I start therapy soon funnily enough, but I'm going to take everything day by day, and not how I am going to be tomorrow, but how I am today.
And also, this site has helped me so much :) I don't google anymore, instead I come on here. 99% of the time someone else is feeling exactly the same and I find comfort in reading their stories. It makes me feel less alone.

Thanks for reading! :)

21-10-11, 15:52
So pleased for you chloevictoria! You have acheived a great deal and you should be happy and pleased. Hope everything reamains positive and you become stronger and stronger each day. Well done you!!:yesyes: