View Full Version : Brain Tumour fears

23-05-06, 11:15
Hi there guys,

I just wanted to run something by you all. Today I have convinced myself that I have a brain tumour. The reason for this being that last night in bed I actually felt like my brain was going to bust out of my head, it was a horrible feeling of like tightness round my forehead and I felt sick at the same time. I woke up this morning feeling ok, pretty tired as I had a horrid night of little sleep and anxiety worrying about the headfeeling. It seems to have come back again now and I have started to feel nauseous again.

I read on a website that sickness and headaches are the starting symptoms of a brain tumour. My head feels so so so heavy, almost like too heavy for my body and it is really scaring me. Am typing this from my desk at work and am trying very hard not to have a full blown panic attack about it.

Any advice would be really welcome
Char xxxxxx

23-05-06, 13:10

How are you feeling now?

It sounds like a normal headache made worse by stress and the effects of anxiety?

Hope you have managed to stop yourself worrying too much.

Take care x

Miss Pink
23-05-06, 13:24
Hi there,

I've had exactly the same feelings and symptoms as you (and would like to reassure you that so have LOADS of people on this site!). Mine started about 11 months ago, with the same feelings as yours, like an incredibly tight band around your head - like lots of pressure inside your head. I was getting dizzy, feeling faint and feeling nauseous. I went to the Doctors numerous times, often in a state of panic that I had a brain tumour - but that was 11 months ago and I'm still here !!!

It is anxiety you're experiencing - if you look on the symptoms post you will find lots of posts about tension headaches (which is what you are describing) and are mainly caused by muscle tension and stress .Check your shoulders now - relax them right down - were they high at the start?

Have a read through the site - try putting in "brain tumour" into the "search forum" facility and you will probably find loads of people exactly the same as you, so hopefully it will puit your mind at rest a little.

Hope you get on ok:), welcome to the site !

Rachael xxx

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

Miss Pink
23-05-06, 13:26
P.S. Do you have any sinus problems ?- I have and that can be exaggerated by anxiety and can give you a really bad headache and "heavy head" like you describe. Mine gets worse when I look down at work on my desk - see if it gets worse when you look down, as my Doctor says this is a sure sign of sinus problems

‹(•¿•)› Rachael xx ‹(•¿•)›

23-05-06, 13:33
Miss Pink's right, it is just anxiety and the fact you have assosiated it with a serious disease has you looking out for the symptoms, which keeps them in your mind and makes you more tense which is why it sticks around. You have to accept that it is just anxiety and over time it will disappear.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

23-05-06, 13:46
just wondered if your nose and head was sore. with this anxiety i suffer terribly from sinus problems and feel sooo sick with it. the pain is so bad and heavy so it could be this


23-05-06, 15:49
hi there just to reassure you i too convinced myself i had a brain tumour as around christmas i started with constant headaches a fuzzy feeling..and like you a tight band of pain round my head..i felt like my head was gonna explode it felt so full of pressure..i even woke up in the morning feeling sick(as id read that was one of the symptoms)
i moped around feeling this way for a few weeks went to G p who told me it was anxiety and tension headaches(ididnt beleive him of cause) ended up having a MRI scan done privately as i was a right state worrying id got a tumour..came back clear...and do you know what my "funny head" disappeared..only thing is this dam tension is now in my chest!!..anxiety...aint it great
take care
(do you clench your teeth...i find i was doing that..and it made it worse..often you do it without realising!!)

23-05-06, 16:20
I do indeed clench my teeth and apparently grind them in my sleep quite badly too. You have hit the nail on the head (no pun intented) with the pressure feeling, it feels like my brain is going to try to escape from my head, it's such an unpleasant sensation Do you think I should get it checked out then, perhaps once I have my mind put at rest it will go away?

24-05-06, 01:06
If you clench and grind your teeth then youc an bet that its a tension headache as most are caused by tense jaw muscles pulling on other muscles around the skull. Look for my post on headaches for some tips on how to deal with them.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

26-05-06, 09:05
I get the worst headaches too AND i'm a HUGE tooth grinder.

I looked up TMJ (the official word for tooth grinding) on ebay and found an orthodontic night mouth guard in the US for about $30 Australian including postage...so to everyone in the UK, that's about 1 pound. :D

I've only just bought it and it hasn't come yet, but i'll keep you updated on if it works.


"This too, shall pass"

26-05-06, 17:36
Blondesmurf my 9 yr old daughter started suffering from bad sickness headaches a couple of years ago now, and i was convinced she had something terrible. My Gp at the time told me headaches are rarely the first symptom of a brain tumour to be honest so i wouldnt read those web sites, i cant even think of reading them these days because they scare the life out of me! Before the web was invented i used health txt books. Bad idea. My doctor used to be pulling her hair out with me lol
My daughter still suffers from headaches which sometimes make her vomit but we are 2 yrs down the line & at this moment she is out running around with her mates!
C xxxxxx

28-05-06, 04:00
These syptoms are very common and were once my own reason fr going to the doctors and telling him i thought i had a brain tumour.

After he finished giving me odd looks for self diagnosing such a complicated desease, he shon a light in my eyes and told me that i do not have a brain tumour. he then told me to stop making appoinments for trivial symptoms.

Brain tumours cause preassure on the back of the eyes (apparently). Don't start thinking "Oh god i can feel preasure" because this is not oreasure you can feel. But by shiing a light into your eyes the doctor can tell the liklyhood of you having a brain tumour.

Let me say though that what you are experiencing is the classic symtoms of a tension headache braught on by anxiety. This also accounts for the sick feeling.

You say that you read on a website theat sickness and headaches are a sign of a brain tumour. Please, for your own sake, stop looking up symptoms on the internet, it is not good for you and is probably making your symotoms worse.