View Full Version : Heart pain

21-10-11, 14:58
The last few days I've had a tight bubble like feeling under my left breast it feels like pressure or something, I've tried windeez tablets and gavisigon bur it's not shift it, I have kind of muscular ache in my arm now too! I'm petrified I have some sort of heart issue. Or I'm going to drop dead. I have reflux and I'm on omeprazole, just feel like I need a massive burp but it's stuck! Can trapped wind or reflux cause this??

Lele x

---------- Post added at 14:58 ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 ----------


21-10-11, 15:33
Not sure hon, but both trapped wind and muscular issues have caused me to have pain in my chest. If you are worried why not just go mention it to your GP. Probably set your mind at rest in a couple of minutes so would be worth it. Sounds more like muscular to me if the Gaviscon etc hasn't helped. Hope you get it sorted. XX

21-10-11, 16:19
Could it be trapped wind in that area? Or reflux. I'll ask my dr nect wk if IRS still there.

Lele x

21-10-11, 17:54
1. Is the feeling constant or does it seem to fluctuate in severity?
2. Do you have any other symptoms, such as a shortness of breath feeling or heart palpitations (a fast or heavy heart)?

21-10-11, 20:37
It's on & off. Almost like there's a big bubble of wind pressed on my heart & won't pop. No heart palps etc. My throat feels quite tight too.

Lele x

22-10-11, 16:09
Because you don't have heart palpitations doesn't mean it's not symptoms of anxiety, in case that's what you were thinking. Heart palpitations usually occur with quite large amounts of anxiety, which you don't seem to have.

A tight throat is more likely to occur from a small amount of anxiety, and that's what's caused it.

Similarly, the 'bubble' is probably due to anxiety. But for peace of mind, get it checked from a doctor.

Try to not think about it for a day or two. You probably won't feel it.

22-10-11, 19:30
It's like trapped wind but over my heart.