View Full Version : Does anybody get abdomen ache (need toilet)

23-05-06, 12:52

One of my old symtoms of abdomen ache has returned and only happens through the night, where it hurts and I need to sit on the toilet for 15 mins etc until it settles.

Can somebody please tell me that this is anxiety and not a tumor growing in the stomach?


23-05-06, 13:14
i get that but during the day not at night..i know thats no help but at least you know your not alone..ive had this for ages so im sure its just anxiety .

jools xx

23-05-06, 13:47
its a terrible symptom of anxiety and i just know exactly what you are going through

but it is only anxiety


17-06-06, 16:58

As you can see I had this in May and it stopped but has appeared to come back since Thursday night.

Does anybody else suffer from this as it does worry me?


17-06-06, 18:35
Yes, it used to wake me up and it was like someone was stabbing me right in the groin beneath the belly button. OUCH!!!!! Then I would go to the bathroom and it was relieved. I have something different now (other post) but I have suffered from that off and on too... it was anxiety and too much pop.
Hope you feel better, I know how scarey it is, but it will pass!

18-06-06, 00:13
hi :D
in the last week since my panic has flared up constantly thinking of a tmour i have had those symptoms too along with sweating so yeah i am sure that it must be the anxiety ..
hope your feel better soon

18-06-06, 18:05

I have this during the days, not so often now. But I also get real bad stabbing pains, go to the bathroom and it goes. Definately anxiety for me

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

18-06-06, 21:05
well i am not a doctor but i get that and i have been told it is irritable bowel syndrom and i think it is definitely related to anxiety

i hope this reassures you a little


19-06-06, 16:06
I have been experiencing pain in my stomach too. I have been getting hot stabbing pains to the left of my belly button and down a bit. It is usually when I am feeling anxious & I end up going to the toilet too. I have been wondering if it is IBS. Then started worrying that it might be the gall bladder or my ovary - can't decide what it is. I know, I know, go see the Doc. Don't know if I want to hear the answer though.