View Full Version : bad few days

21-10-11, 18:11
ive been on sertraline 200mg for just over 2 weeks and was feeling pretty good and getting on with life,however, i have had a bad few days, really anxious and unable to go to uni and stuff. am worried that im going backwards as i was really good a few months ago on a different drug. am i just having a wee blip and will things pick up again?

21-10-11, 18:59
I've been on 50mg since May and the last couple of weeks have been pretty bad for me too. I saw my doc last night and he thinks I should go up to 100mg. So on the one hand i'm thinking do I really want to be on this stuff and then on the other maybe an increase will help. But then an increase will also mean that it will be tougher to get off in the long run.