View Full Version : not feeling right

21-10-11, 19:26
hi guys
i just wanded if anyone elce feels like this . as it starts to get a bit dark around 5 or 6 ish i start to feel scared and kinda down . feel i just want to go home. allso im feeling a bit down or with drawn a bit aswell iv been getting a lot of stress just lattley so any body symtoms set me off i feel better if i go to bed around 9 to 930 or i start to get nervous god knows why . its like im scared to stop up . i go to sleep as soon as i shut my eyes but im wide a wake 4 hrs latter its like my minds full of stuff and i cant sleep so i get up till its gone and i feel tired again. to be honest i dont feel like im liveing just going through the motions my wife talks to me but i dont realy listen to her its like im in a buble and im not takeing in whats going off on the outside if you know what i mean . does this sound like depresion .i work 7 days a wk at the moment so im allways feeling stressed

21-10-11, 21:46
Hi melvin, sorry you are feeling so bad just now, i know what you are going through,i've been there, and your symptoms are exactly the same as mine were, now it sounds to me that you may be suffering from deppression and anxiety, i was, so maybe speak to your gp, and get some help, also talk to your wife about the way you are feeling. and get some support. good luck x

21-10-11, 22:02
Hi Melvin,

Like pinkdove said, definitely talk to your GP.

I'm not surprised that you're stressed if you never have a day off. If you can afford to, look at reducing your hours.

I often wake up after a few hours sleep, like 4am or something with racing thoughts. I've found it helps to write it all down just to get it out there. I posted to another person about some help with sleep:


There are some links about 'Sleep Hygine'. Some will be useful, some won't.

Hope that's of some help,


22-10-11, 18:06
thank you for ur replys guys .i will speak to my doc :)