View Full Version : I never feel well

21-10-11, 21:58
Hi all, i have not been here for a while now but i thought i would pop on to see if anyone ever feels "well". I have not felt well for 2 years now and drs keep saying the same old thing "stress, depression, anxiety" but is it? I have had depression before and neve felt pysically ill. Im so tired, hot, cold, jaw hurts, have dizzyness and nausea, bad g.e.r.d, aches all over my body, bloated feelings and yes, this all makes my feel upset because i want to feel well.

As i explained to the dr, im feeling emotional, worthless, angry....etc because i dont seem to ever feel well.:weep:

Is it me? Am i wrong? Is it possible to ALWAYS feel ill to the point where it actually affects ur day to day life?

Thank you in advance for ur replys. x:bighug1:

21-10-11, 22:11
Hi Carli
I know exactly what you mean. I never feel well and have all the symptoms you describe. Anyone would feel depressed and anxious if they felt as I do every day for nearly 3 years.

21-10-11, 22:12
Hey Carli,

I have been feeling exactly this recently. Ever since my anxiety started I've been feeling unweel vaguely - lightheaded like I have a cold, tired a lot, feverish without having a temperature, achey, head pressure, chesty feeling etc - just feeling "ILL"!! It has made it harder for me to want to do things and be active. Don't feel like I could do any exercise for example. I feel ok in the morning and night time but really rubbish late afternoon-early evening. Been like this for weeks or months.

So I know what you mean! I don't think you're wrong or imagining it or anything. I reckon it's a mixture of the physical stress caused by being anxious, plus being more aware of our bodies because we're so used to monitoring our symptoms... Also how well do you sleep? I tend to sleep very lightly and a bit tensed up even in sleep, I reckon that adds to it too!

Not too sure how to tackle this one. Being nice to ourselves and getting more rest and relaxing time? I am not good at doing this :D But I hope that knowing that other people feel the same helps a bit. xxx

21-10-11, 22:36
Thank you mirabelle and blondinou...........its rubbish isnt it? I agree it does feel like i have a cold inside but with no symptoms outside!!

I cant seem to feel better no matter what i do? xx

21-10-11, 22:58
For the past 8 years ive had every symptom you have but all my bloods are good so the docs say that there is nothing wrong, but its hard to beleive sometimes
The only thing i have is a low ferritin iron level of 10 but docs say that it wouldnt make me feel ill all the time as im not anemic.
I think depression plays a huge part in all these symptoms, more so than the anxiety. Its a vicious circle, i dont feel well enough to do things so the depression gets worse.

21-10-11, 23:08
Wow I could have written this exact post! You've explained my last 2 1/2 years perfectly. I am always questioning if all my symptoms can really be just anxiety. I mean I do have several stress related illness due to my excessive worry (reflux, tmj, ibs) but I always think that there's got to be something more serious wrong with me. I really don't want to have a serious illness, so I just keep worrying all the time! Everyone tells me that until I accept the anxiety and the symptoms that come along with it, I will never feel well.

I am trying to overcome these feelings with CBT, meds, relaxation meditations but I'm still having daily anxiety and frequent panic attacks. I hope we find a way out of this soon! Xx

21-10-11, 23:33
For the past 8 years ive had every symptom you have but all my bloods are good so the docs say that there is nothing wrong, but its hard to beleive sometimes
The only thing i have is a low ferritin iron level of 10 but docs say that it wouldnt make me feel ill all the time as im not anemic.
I think depression plays a huge part in all these symptoms, more so than the anxiety. Its a vicious circle, i dont feel well enough to do things so the depression gets worse.

My ferritin levels are low and all of what i have mentioned can be caused this butt as my levels are now 24 the dr has stopped treatment. But my old dr said (and lots of info on the net) ferritin should be at least 60 in order for people to feel well. I also have my hair falling out. Its a nightmare, it really is.

Thank you all for replying, it means a lot xxxx

22-10-11, 07:46
Carli - me too! constantly unwell since March. My hair is also falling out. I also have pelvic pain and a drilling pain in my big toes. I am trying so hard to aline them to anxiety and live a normalish life but it is hard and somtimes I just want to not be here anymore - just to sleep. But I am deterrmined to me again someday soon x

macc noodle
22-10-11, 08:17
Guys - completely with you on this post !

It is really hard not to feel completely deflated by the symptoms we present and the fact that they seem to be never ending.

All I can say is grab the good days and enjoy them!

And, keep a diary of your symptoms so that you can look back and see the pattern - if like me they are random and no sooner has one symptom gone to be replaced by some other problem in the body, the chances are that it is simply (yes, there is a joke there somewhere) anxiety!

I am currently having CBT to try and help me deal with what has been with me virtually since I was 6 years old and taken into an operating theatre whilst awake for an emergency operation so that I can reprogramme by brain not to be so scared of being ill and seeking help for it.......................................

This is really hard work and very emotional and, to be honest, has made my physical symptoms far worse recently but I am sticking with it because I want better control over my life and a firm basis from which I can live my life and not be ground down by always being scared that I have something wrong with me.

You too can take control but it takes hard work and effort from you and a sympathetic doctor who makes sure that you get the support and therapy that you need.

Good luck guys - onward and upwards we must go ..............

Macc Noodle

22-10-11, 11:15
Macc - I am really intersted to know what happened to you on the emergency operation? I have a similar incident and wondered if they are the same (ie not going to sleep during op).

22-10-11, 14:22
Hi carli,
Hope are okay?
I do understand how you feel, anxiety, stress makes me feel unwell all the time...i feel deflated, tired and generally down, nausea etc i have had this feeling for years......
My doc told me that its my lifestyle, i have to change it, which is not easy.
Somedays are better than others, Macc is correct grab the good days and prepare for the not so good...:hugs:

22-10-11, 16:18
Hi carli, i'm same too, for 2 years I feel unwell,
Every day I get symptoms, if it's not my bowels it's my acid if it's not acid it's bowels, if it's neither it's a viral infection/cold. I get aches and pains on and off,
Before anxiety I never felt so unwell, I have had pain and abdominal/acid symptoms for many years which are on and off and one day hope they are treated right.

I just had a full blood count and it came back normal. My iron used to be below 10, it now 22, it loww but normal, my hair falls out too and it get's greasy after 2 days, also i'm pale, but i'm not aneamic. I used to take iron and went up to 30s then stopped it but that was years ago. Now it dropped.