View Full Version : Hello everyone, Nose bleed worry!

21-10-11, 22:07
Hello everyone, I have suffered with nose bleeds for a about 3 years now but they stopped around a year ago, anyways about 2 weeks ago i stupidly picked my nose a caused a vessel to burst, now i'm getting nose bleeds very frequently.
Tonight i was in the bath and it was quiet hot, I don't know how long my nose was bleeding for but when i sat up it started running, I wasn't fussed as i'm so used to them. Once i'd got out of the bath I felt a little bit sick, and dizzy. So i just sat down then i felt phlem at the back of my throat and spat it out, it was all bloody and gross this happened about 3 more times after. This hasn't happened to me before so it worried me i dont know if it was because i was laying down when it started. Im also astmatic so I cough whatever is on my chest immediently. Its stopped coming up now and is back to normal... Was it just blood from my nose bleed? Also I am on my period at the moment so i'm thinking that maybe that didnt help me feeling dizzy and sick. I had an iron drink afterwards and i felt better.

If anyone has any info for me that would be really great, I cant help but panic when my bodys being naughty!

22-10-11, 00:03
Hey I got my first nose bleed after having my wisdom teeth out, they had a breathing tube in my nose, the next day I noticed blood running down the back of my throat. I am sure it came from nose :) So I am sure too the blood in your throat was because of your nose.
Look at the facts, you had a nose bleed! if it was from your chest, you would be in pain and you would have to had coughed up the blood.
A nose bleed + a hot bath + standing up fast + anxiety is going to make you feel dizzy :)

23-10-11, 14:47
I have suffered nose bleeds my whole life, due to allergies. I have them frequently throughout the year. Also my specialist said my veins are close to the skin which causes this too. My two kids have the same thing, and yes it makes makes me cough up snotty blood sometimes, sometimes when the mucus has drained to my stomach I will throw up the mucus with some blood too. Been doing this since a child, I am 35 now. Sometimes people are prone to nosebleeds. My father is the same way. If you are really worried, see your doctor, but I would bet you are just fine!

24-10-11, 11:49
I suffered a major nosebleed (Epistaxis) 21 years ago and needed hospitalization due to becoming Anaemic afterwards, through loss of blood. In those days they used to pack the nostril with a gauze (don't know if they still do that). The problem was that it just started to come down my throat and they had trouble stopping it. Hence, they gave me a Vallium injection to calm me down and then kept me in for 5 days for observation. After which they cauterized the offending blood vessel. I did continue to have the odd trickle of blood now and again after, to which I rushed to hospital again, thinking the worse, but it used to stop on it's own accord.

I would like to point out that since then my Anxiety has been mainly surrounding having another major bleed whilst out somewhere and also the fear that I may bleed to death.

However, for the past 21 years I have been mainly 'trickle free' apart from the occasional spot when blowing my nose or after a hot shower.

In March of this year I was sitting at the PC around midnight when I felt my nose begin to run. To my shock and horror there was blood, and lots of it! It was dripping like a tap (about 2 drips a second) and panic immediatelly set in. The first thing I done was call for an ambulance (I live alone and driving to A and E with a nosebleed is impossible and somewhat dangerous especially when panicking). By the time an ambulance turned up, the bleeding had moderated somewhat but the placed looked more like a crime scene! Needless to say upon arrival at A and E it had stopped and I looked a complete prat. The only evidence was a blood soaked towel. After taking a look at my nose they consequently sent me home, only for me to return the next day with another severe bleed. Once again the thing stopped after about an hour. However, I did benefit from having a full blood test which proved negative all round, but I also had an interesting conversation with the female doctor who looked after me.

She told me that many years ago she suffered a bad nosebleed and they couldn't stop the bleeding. A ENT specialist was called and he told them to just let it continue to bleed and that eventually it will stop owing to the drop in blood pressure! I was informed that we cannot die from a nosebleed because of this (the body merely protects itself). I don't know if this is true but it did relax me a bit, although my Anxiety regarding nosebleeds still persists. Also, the trickling down the back of the throat is normal when having a bleed, although somewhat nasty.

My ENT guy informs me that nosebleeds are immensely common and that providing there is no underlying medical condition that causes them then they are nothing, but alarming to say the least.

Some people will suffer them paricularly during a cold or heavy blowing of the nose, or of course doing some 'finger gardening.'

I no longer blow my nose or take hot showers. I'm also careful when in dusty environements. A pain in the **** I know.


24-10-11, 21:38
Thank you everyone, Your help settled my nerves greatly, Much appreciated!