View Full Version : Joanna Lumley article

22-10-11, 06:16
Interesting reading. Panic attacks can happen to anyone, and it has to be good news to see someone so successfully overcome the problem:


eternally optimistic
22-10-11, 09:31
Thnx 4 post n have just read the link.
Will definitely be watching it.

22-10-11, 09:54
OMG made me teary. How reassuring!

Thanks for sharing x

22-10-11, 14:00
Thanks for sharing. I'll look out for this.

22-10-11, 15:36
Thanks for that James. I think people in the eye of the media being honest about their own mental health issues helps to de-stigmatize the whole thing :)

Belle x

william wallace
22-10-11, 16:27
The list of celebs who have suffered with A&D includes Ashley Judd, Billy Joel, Brooke Shields, Princess Di, Harrison Ford, Emma Thomson, Hugh Laurie, J K Rowling, Jim Carey, Marie Osmond, Lady Gaga and Sheryl Crow to name but a few.
Just shows you that it doesnt matter how successful or rich you are, anyone can get it:ohmy:

22-10-11, 18:44
Reading about famous people like joanna lumley and what she has suffered just makes me feel less inadequate as a person and know we all have our problems to face in life and have the courage to come through them to be a stronger person. And it also makes me realise I am not a weak person and not to put myself down because I have suffered with anxiety. And thanks jamesk for bringing that article to our attention.

Cathy xx

22-10-11, 19:00
Wow...that was strange reading about that other guy, was he called Brag? And he had a fear of this little light that came out of his head. A very strange phobia! Just shows you can never have the strangest phobia in the world - there's always something more bizzarre!
Thanks for this, take care :)