View Full Version : Hip Pain

22-10-11, 07:14
Forr the last few months ive been getting hip pain and now it has got quite bad, now convinced myself its arthritis and i will need a hip replacement !!!
Should see gp but cant face going.
Im 48 and dont want years of pain.
also due to have endoscopy on 14th nov, ive had them before but feel scared.
i feel like im falling apart...

macc noodle
22-10-11, 08:38

Sorry to hear you are feeling unwell - hip pain is horrible isn't it ?

Please do go and see GP and tell them how you feel - simple examination of how the hip is working will give them a good idea of what the problem is - it only takes a couple of mins and the doc can do it without referring you.

Have you tried a couple of paracetomol before you go to bed and a couple in the morning when you get up to see if that makes a difference?

I get hip pain but I know that mine is arthritis and to be honest the good old hot water bottle and paracetomol usually do the trick plus keeping moving is excellent too - sit too long in one place and bingo it feels 10 times worse!!

It could just be due to fluctuating hormone levels (because of your age I am thinking peri menopause).

Good luck with the endoscopy - is this for a recurrent problem or could the hip pain be related ?

Just a thought....

You are not falling apart - just temporarily a bit creaky honey - it will be sorted .....

Macc Noodle
