View Full Version : OK Back with another oral cancer question

22-10-11, 18:17
I am the one that posted about the oral cancer and you guys calmed me down thank you. Here the thing I had the panoramic x-ray and no cancer but now I am worried they missed something but I also know because I am going for additional x-rays to start all my dental treatment I am freaking. You know on either side of your face where your jawbone ends one side is bigger than the other like on the bottom feels like bonier where the other side it is smooth. and inside my mouth is slightly bigger on that side. I am freaking myself out I know but I did notice this like 3 years ago and nothing has changed and if it was cancer it would have grown by now right? Sorry anxiety is sky high knowing I am going to Dentist Wednesday and the only x-ray I have is the panoramic which they gave me a copy of and of course I have been staring at it trying to see. Help I need major dental treatment and and in the states it is so expensive so I am going to Cancun where I can spend 10K versus 26K I am leaving Wedsnesday and yes I have checked this dentist out throughly she is from Mexico but paracticed in states for 20 years.

---------- Post added at 13:17 ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 ----------

I was trying not to google but I did but what I found out was helpful that cancer of the jaw bone grows quickly and that it would be much bigger by now especially since I noticed it years ago any thoughts would be appreciated. I am not one to go to the doctoer or dentist because I am terrified they will tell me I have cancer and only 6 months to live. I wish I could make myself go to the doctor more or even dentist but I get panic attacks just thing about going.

23-10-11, 06:21
I have the same thing wae my jaw bone hard on one side just like you describe, it was to do wae the way my jaw sits, it's common amongst us, so it's normal to feel that.

I have what feels like a piece of bone going diagonally from the corner of my lower jaw to near the middle on the other side at the front, this is common too, so dinnae worry about that, many folk have it.

It can come on later in our lives because the jaw joints are ever changing thru contact use, ye may even find if you may yer jaw about that ye have a spot (point where it goes thru) where it'll click, like its moves against something and drops little, this is also normal and nowt to worry about HG. :winks:

The Dentist will be able to tell ye if there is any problem, trust the dentist in this HG.

Most important HG, don't use Dr Google, it can drive ye nuts and send yer anx thru the roof, so dinnae use it ok.

Trust the Dentist, don't Google & relax yersel, if there's a prob the dentist & doc will let ye know.


Take care & be safe.


24-10-11, 06:25
I've PM'd you hippygirl - you'll be fine. Best of luck in Mexico - you made the right decision to go south of the border. Dental costs are such a rip off here (I live in CA).

24-10-11, 08:57
it was to do wae the way my jaw sitshttp://www.schoolwithin.net/jh2.jpghttp://www.schoolwithin.net/ht.jpghttp://www.ywseo.net/uk.jpg

24-10-11, 17:02
Thank guys I know Mel huge expense here in the US, $900 for a root canal and $1100 for a crown. In Cancun $250.00 a root canal and $350 per crown $1400 difference plus this dentist practiced in the US for 20 years and is still part of the ADA and licensed to practice in Michigan and Cali. So I have done my reserach just having huge anxiety now that I leave Weds. I have to remember I made these choices nobody forced me lol but I want my teeth fixed and not to be in pain and so I need to battle the anxiety and think of the end result.

Gemma T
24-10-11, 23:50
Oh I didn't reaise u lived in the states hippygirl. Can't believe how much things are even when converted in sterling its so much more.

I wondered how you got your x ray so quick lol

I live in london. Most dentist won't screen 4 cancers there and then. Were sent to a hospital for that.

Well gd luck sweetie and have a safe trip x x x

25-10-11, 00:09
They have an xray machines in the dentist's office, one that goes around your head which is a panoramic which shows the bones and a total view and then they take other xrays to see decay in your teeth and how your bite it is. I know with your health sytem it takes a little longer but less expensive and what is great is even if you do not have the money they will still take care of your health. Here you have to be on death's door if you do not have insurance lol before they will see you. I paid $300.00 for the pan xray and then the exam and health insurance here does not cover dental usually that is separate and even if you have dental insurance it will only pay for about $1000.00 per year. Each system has it's flaws but I think the US is much more flawed than most and and that health should not be a for profit industry.

Gemma T
26-10-11, 12:51
Thats terrible babe. I was devastated when i was told 2 months for a referral with no real symptoms. Thank the lord for the nhs x x x