View Full Version : can really bad muscle spasms/knots feel like a really hard lump?

22-10-11, 21:27
I've had bad neck muscles since a car accident almost 2 yrs ago now. I had it under control with acupuncture finally this summer but then had some really stressful/anxiety-provoking months after that and haven't had time to go back. I recently found a rock hard lump at the base of my skull in the back and it is where a lot of my muscle knots and spasms are all the time. It is below the surface adn feels like it is in the muscle. I know for a fact that there are lots of knots in that area right now too. Could this just be another knot??? I know I have had knots feel this hard before, but I am just making myself more anxious (and probably more knotty too!!!!) I am planning to go back to acupuncture in a couple weeks when my work goes part time. I am currently icing it like I normally would a knot to see if that helps.

---------- Post added at 14:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:13 ----------

also any suggestions for how i can get it to release if it is a knot?

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:36 ----------

just for reference i am trying to massage it out, can't get a massage appointment for a week ... used ibuprofin, arnica cream, ice, stretching already ... if it's a knot then it's been there for a while stiffening up more i guess ...