View Full Version : Floating stools (sorry TMI)

22-10-11, 19:14
From my other posts, you may have read that my main HA worry at the moment is pancreatic cancer. It is actually consuming me thinking about this all the time. Anyway, I have recently read that floating stools is one of the symptoms of pancreas trouble. The thing is, (TMI) mine have floated since as long as I can remember, and I actually thought this was normal until I read otherwise a few days ago. Anyone else?

22-10-11, 19:40
YOu are confusing the inability to absorb fat that creates large greasy floating stools with the normal floating stool that is usually because either you are constipated and the stool lacks water or you are eating huge amounts of fibre both of which cause floating stools but this is normal.

HOpet his helps

22-10-11, 19:48
Mine almost always float, i thought this was normal?

22-10-11, 19:51
Thanks Countrygirl. Well, I eat weetabix every day, but don't know what else I have that has fibre in it. Just thought that this is how everyone else was until I g:doh::doh:gled!

---------- Post added at 19:51 ---------- Previous post was at 19:51 ----------

Ditto, worried_male!

22-10-11, 22:57
I remember my Dr saying if you google "mucus and stools" it always comes up with bowel cancer sites but if you google "mucus and ibs" then you get all the ibs sites - google is logical it does what you tell it!

macc noodle
22-10-11, 23:53
Floating stools are healthy stools

24-10-11, 21:06
Yes I thought I read that floaty stools were very healthy, in fact I freaked out because mine sometimes sink....:blush:

25-10-11, 13:51
That's what I had thought macc noodle and toffeeapple!

25-10-11, 17:45
Floating stools are a sign that something is wrong with your digestion or a side effect of medication. Your stools should be well formed and sink, have a look at the Bristol Stool Chart for information. Eat a high fibre diet and loads of fruit and vegetables and your digestion will normally self regulate over time. Alternating constipation or Diarrhoea and floating stools that do not go away quickly with a change of diet then a consultation with your doctor should be sought.

macc noodle
25-10-11, 18:24
Well goodness me. all those years I worried that my stools did not float and blow me down they are not supposed to!!!


25-10-11, 20:03
Ignore that ronski guy. As you can see most people in this thread have floating stools on a somewhat regular basis.

I doubt there's many people in the modern world who eat healthy constantly enough to have sinking stools all the time.

As long as your stools come out solid there is nothing to be concerned about.

25-10-11, 21:14
Yes ignore me if you like that's your prerogative but ignorance is bliss. I give advice to the best of my ability, I have worked in healthcare for over 33 years but obviously that means nothing. Maybe posting on these sites is just not worth the effort as reassurance to me is giving the facts that help but obviously reassurance is talking claptrap that in the real world means nothing but reassures here.

25-10-11, 22:41
Floating stools are usually due to excessive gas. Do you get bloating, wind and stomach issues? If so you probably have an imbalance in your gut flora.

Veronica H
26-10-11, 00:15
'The Bristol Stool Chart for information'.......:)Knew Bristol was great for shopping Ronski...but charts as well.:DxV

26-10-11, 08:41
Yes Veronica, as I keep telling you Bristol is the centre of the known universe ha ha only joking, it's absolute claptrap!

26-10-11, 09:00
Floating stools are a sign that something is wrong with your digestion or a side effect of medication. Your stools should be well formed and sink, have a look at the Bristol Stool Chart for information. Eat a high fibre diet and loads of fruit and vegetables and your digestion will normally self regulate over time. Alternating constipation or Diarrhoea and floating stools that do not go away quickly with a change of diet then a consultation with your doctor should be sought.


Thank u for the info, dispite following a good diet nothing changed went to gp and after a long chat it was due to being quite stressed along with depression and anxiety..

Since starting treatment for A and D my bowels have rtn to normal xx

26-10-11, 09:20
Oh well. I guess I have had something wrong with my digestion for over 30 years, so I am hoping it can't be that serious! I don't have any other digestive problems, although admittedly my diet isn't great...

26-10-11, 09:24
Oh well. I guess I have had something wrong with my digestion for over 30 years, so I am hoping it can't be that serious! I don't have any other digestive problems, although admittedly my diet isn't great...


best to pop to gp, before i was dianosed with A and D they took a stool sample had to wait about 5 days for the results and they came back normal
even thoe I was suffering bloatiness wind cramps and frequent visits to the loo xx

26-10-11, 09:30
Floating stools are caused by gas :) do you have IBS?
Did happens all of us but if it's most if the times for weeks , you may want to ask your doc about it :)

26-10-11, 09:31
Ronski, I have looked on the Bristol stool chart and I'm ok according to that, but I couldn't find anything about floating / sinking on there. Do you have a link at all?

Bobcat, I have had a sample annalysed before and had normal results. From what I've researched (have done some wider research now, not only on the net), there is a lot of variation.

26-10-11, 09:39
Ronski, I have looked on the Bristol stool chart and I'm ok according to that, but I couldn't find anything about floating / sinking on there. Do you have a link at all?

Bobcat, I have had a sample annalysed before and had normal results. From what I've researched (have done some wider research now, not only on the net), there is a lot of variation.

Ok thats interesting mine was getting worse the more anxious I became especially when I started to worry about it and the 5 days waiting for the results was a nightmare.

Be good to hear Ronski's views regarding sink or float did your gp suggest any other tests? xx

26-10-11, 10:54
Gp not really concerned as no bowel habit changes. Once said I had IBS, but I don't know if I have or not. I'm currently waiting to see a gastroenterologist, but that is for abnormal blood results, rather than stomach symptoms.

---------- Post added at 10:54 ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 ----------

I do think that anxiety plays a significant part as well though Bobcat.