View Full Version : so many symptoms :/

22-10-11, 19:29
i need to understand how anxiety and panic/health anx can cause so many symptoms at one time i will give u a list of all my symptoms ,,,and i have these right now and ive had them alllday :(

cant breathe...



tight chest

feeling hot

tight throat

unreal feeling

aches and pains all over body

numbness tingley left arm

shouler pains

eyes blury

fast heart rate

buring in chest and belly

if anyone has felt or had this and it lasted all day please reply or mabe help me understand how can anx cause all this

22-10-11, 19:37
Have you read the symptom list on the left and the explanations as to why anxiety causes these symptoms as all your symptoms are listed there.

I certainly have had all your symptoms and what helps to understand is you are not imagining them they are real and exist. When your body is tense and flooded with stress hormones it creates all sorts of symptoms for example if your neck is tense then this can give you anything from dizziness ( your neck has balance receptors in the muscles and bones) to head pain to weird crawling prickling sensations in head or face the list is endless- it can even give you earache - eyepain and jaw pain.

This is just one example so imagine that times a hundred and this is why we get so many different and really weird symptoms.

22-10-11, 19:41

22-10-11, 19:44
I have experienced every single one of those symptoms Jessica, they are all Anxiety symptoms from what I understand. :)

22-10-11, 20:17
Yes I have had them for days when I am in a bad anxiety cycle it will lessen.

01-11-11, 17:00
I am thinking back to when I was much younger and had a dreadful and long-lasting episode of anxiety, and I had those symptoms and many more besides ! :winks: Initially I found it almost impossible to accept that they were caused by anxiety, I was certain there was an underlying physical illness. The more I was certain I was dying of something undiagnosed, the worse and more varied my symptoms became.

01-11-11, 19:09
Yep sounds like classic anxiety. When you think about it no other illness would give such a range of symptoms.
Once you accept that it's anxiety, you cab start to feel better.

01-11-11, 22:57
I was like this for months until starting meds.I got to the point where I felt like I was suffocating and could not swallow food-every day was a nightmare Id wake up feeling sick and dizzy and at night would get heart palps.It was all anxiety related my poor nerves were sending confused nerve messages all over my body !! Ive now been on citalopram for 11 weeks and feel much better although I still have odd spells of physical symptoms-are you on any meds ?