View Full Version : Inner upper right thigh pain?? Just came on today

22-10-11, 20:39
Hi all,
I've been doing a bit better just this last week or so glad to say, but today when I got up I found I had pain in my inner right thigh -right at the top. It has hurt through the day whenever I've been moving it/walking around. I thought it must be a muscle pain, I did have a busy day yesterday, so perhaps it's to do with that? - but just now when I got up from eating tea it was more intense. If I massage that area with my hand it gives pain also. I am a 25 year old female, and hoping this is nothing worrysome! Any advice appreciated.

22-10-11, 23:08
It sounds like a muscle and then when you stood up today it stretched it back out try light stretches and it will be fine in a few days

22-10-11, 23:57
yes, sounds like a strained groin area.

And the truth will set you free. John 8:32

23-10-11, 14:24
Thank you both of you. It does feel like it could be a strained muscle, I just haven't done anything that would have strained it! The most I've done is walk around the shops lately! =/

23-10-11, 15:31
You can strain a muscle without realizing it just moving wrong especially in that area like you make have twisted a bit and not realized it. Hot bath will help Ibuprofen for inflammation and you should be good to go plus strecht lighly

23-10-11, 15:51
Thank you hyppiegirl for your advice =)