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23-05-06, 18:19
has anyone feared this.

that the stresses of every day are gonna kill me soon. i have felt so nervy and on edge and anxious for days, as a result of which my symptoms have been worse especially the chest pain.

but now i fear that this stressed feeling that for example if i am gonna be late ill get all uptight and chest hurts and everything that it will soon kill me

i am so worried that the every day stresses that i go through . the ones that i usually handle so well, are now dragging me down and they will kill me

does anyone else fear that the stress itself of this health fear coupled with the normal anxieties will finish them off


23-05-06, 19:27
Hi Jackie

Totally!!! The consulation tho is that of cause even tho we feel so so bad these symptoms / worries can not kill us, they are of course totally harmelss,

This is just a minor set back for you. You will soon start to feel brighter

You are not alone, I too have felt like s**t for the past days and it is a grind but we have to stick with it and beat this - you can do it!

Take Care

Wendy xx

23-05-06, 19:49
hiya jackie sorry youre having a rough time.i too think like you.wondering what all this stress is doing to us and our bodies!!!!perhaps were stronger than we give ourselves credit for!!!if my husband has a cold hes like a bear with a sore head and sometimes i think how would he cope with these symptoms day in day out!!!!but id never wish on anyone even my worst enemy!!!take care rachel x x

23-05-06, 22:53
Hi Jackie
I feel the same way at the moment, was ok for the last week now, i feel that everything I have to do is getting me stressed out when my body and mind should actually be relaxing and resting - as it is feel like a taxi service, home help and feel all the responsibility is on my shoulders - not helping to calm my frazzled nerves at all. You're not alone but I know that these are a couple of bad days and I need to just remind myself that last week was a good one so the good days will return.
Take care


'This too will pass'

24-05-06, 00:59
Hi Jackie

This is exactly how i have been feeling lately.

I have been particualry anxious past few days on hearing a friend had died. All my anxiety symptoms seem to be rearing their ugly heads again especially the chest pain and the spaced out light headed feelings.

I was stressed this afternoon as i was running late to pick my daughter up from school. I got into a state which gave me horrible pains in my chest.

Thinking about it, i seem to be on edge all the time lately, its like im frightened of everything.

I hope this all goes away for us all soon

love mandie x