View Full Version : Heart Pain/Diaz not working anymore?

23-10-11, 13:27
hey everyone, well after not having a attack for over 3 weeks i really thought i was on the road to recovery!! how wrong was i! i never usually get heart pains but last night had a really dull ache and almost felt like theres a lump in my chest. So had a massive panic attack and took 1 2mg diaz...... it calmed me down dont get me wrong,took away the shaking etc and made me feel sleep but it also made me stay awake feeling sweaty and sick all night,this is the second time its made me feel like this and i dont understand why? i only use it in emergencies and have taken around 4 in like 3 months. the first couple worked but now i just feel horrid after them. any advice would be greatly appreciated xxx

25-10-11, 14:02
If you really think its heart pain got get that checked out.

Heart pain is usually right in the centre of your chest.

Panic attacks can produce aches and pains in chest but usually to 1 side where the major nerves are.

Call an NHS helpline and describe your pain and answer their questions as well as informing them you have suffered from panic/anxiety.

They will tell you what to do if they are concerned at all and send someone to you if they think its warranted.

25-10-11, 14:53
its on the left hand side so maybe is to do with the panic attacks thanku for replying and i will ring if it happens again xx