View Full Version : Coping with Anxiety in the Military...

23-10-11, 13:32
Hi, just wondering if anyone on here has or is currently serving in the Military. If so, how did you deal with your anxiety?

I'm currently serving in the Air Force and have been for almost 7 years now. I love the Military and plan on making it my career but anxiety can sometimes ruin things for you. It hasn't really affected my job but it is an ongoing battle. Any replies would be appreciated, thanks!

23-10-11, 21:02
Its a horrible thing to deal in everyday life let alone with such a tough job. Do you have anyone you can talk to about your anxieties? I find it helps me, not for long but a while! Are you away from home much? X

23-10-11, 21:11
Hi, is it particularly health anxiety you suffer from or general anxiety?

24-10-11, 06:23
Hey fmicheo416 - I think using a forum like this to discuss your anxieties is actually a great first step. Darwin's question is a good one - is it general or health anxiety you suffer from?

24-10-11, 07:53
I think its HA...I usually talk to my wife about all this and she's been great helping me through it but sometimes it can be hard to shake it...I'm currently deployed so sometimes contact is hard but I should be coming home soon so maybe things will ease up.

I wouldn't consider myself to be in extremely bad shape but I do notice that its an issue that I wanted to address. I'm managing it ok but I have my days. One of my biggest fears is letting it take control of my life and affecting my job in the military. Just like everyone else, I'm kind of health cautious so if I have a new symptom I'm already thinking the worse. I've been checked out several times by the doctors who assure me that I'm perfectly health. Although, I've never been diagnosed with anxiety I know deep down thats what it is. Thanks for the replies.

24-10-11, 08:40
Oh bless you, must make things so much worse when you are not at home. It's good that you have an understanding wife and you are addressing your health anxiety. You must feel loney sometimes when you are away, at least you found this site to know you're not alone and hope it helps, pm I you ever want to chat. I know how u are feeling.

24-10-11, 08:55
Do you have anyone you can talk to about your anxieties

24-10-11, 18:44
Well, I would imagine that if you are away from your loved ones and don't have anyone you can share your anxieties with, then they play on your mind all the more.

Would you be able to talk to any of the military doctors about your health anxiety?

24-10-11, 18:55
I'll be coming home soon so I'll have to wait to talk to anyone about it until then...I appreciate the replies but I'm kind of reluctant to talk to military doctors about this stuff because I don't want them to think I'm a wacko and unfit for duty...I'm sure everyone knows how anxiety can just interfere with your life, especially HA since every new symptom feels like its something real...just something I gotta deal with

24-10-11, 19:50
That's what I imagined you'd say about military doctors. I can completely understand. I never mention when I see our work's occupational health doctors that I have had CBT for health anxiety. Don't want them to think I'm not up to the job, even if it doesn't affect my ability to do it. It is hard to deal with if you have no one in real life to talk to, but this forum is great. It's good you'll be coming home soon!