View Full Version : im only anxious when im at home

23-10-11, 16:52
My anxiety is centrered around were i live. I never feel anxious out or at other peoples houses. even if im busy at home im anxious. At the moment its because the boiler worries me as we've had to switch it on by a switch b4 switching it on at the wall so i worry the fumes arnt escaping as i can hear them but cant see them then i think "omg carbon minoxide poisiing" at other times i will worry about the birds in the loft.
my anxiety has moved away from my health. i barely give that a 2nd thought anymore (although im sure that will come back again)
im at my nans at the moment dreading going home this evening. its all centrered around that house.

23-10-11, 17:15
There is a carbon monxied detector you can buy works just like a smoke alarm maybe this help ease it somewhat.

23-10-11, 17:16
maybe if you sort out anything that worries you at home you will feel more comfortable =)

I'm the opposite i cant leave the house without feeling anxious =( I wish i was in ur possition haha

take care xx

23-10-11, 17:31
I get anxious both at home and out of it, I was stupid to stop living alone again.

I read your other thread in here Em.ma, how long until you go to uni and get out of there? Is there any possibility of you getting out beforehand? There must be some kind of financial help for young people in education? I lived with someone once who was put in a flat at 16 and given a fund to decorate and furnish it. In the meantime is there any way you can hide a carbon monoxcide monitor for your peace of mind?

23-10-11, 17:56
Hi. Im sure the boiler is fine but it is a little scary at the moment.
Uni this time in 2 years! i cant wait to go its really exciting (the course i want to do and the freedom from the confines of the house)
I do get no money for stuff but i wish we could get one lol.

23-10-11, 18:18
Do you think you can wait that long? I wasn't even in a house I hated for a year and it destroyed me. Where I live really affects me, no matter how everything else is home should be where you feel safe and comfortable. I had to flee when I didn't feel safe.

Why was your Mum so against a carbon monoxide monitor? What harm can it do? Is it possible she'd rethink if you kept on about it?

23-10-11, 18:34
It will work anywhere in the house and looks like a smoke detector maybe you could slide it under your bed.

eight days a week
23-10-11, 19:54
Emma, I've read quite a few of your posts and imho quite a few of your fears seem to stem from your living situation, which I understand but am very sorry to hear.

Quite a few people have also asked you if you've asked for professional help for your condition, but I've never seen a response from you (not saying you haven't given one, just that I may have missed it). In my opinion you DO need outside help to deal with everything you're worried about. Please look for that help, first of all through your GP :)

I found some carbon monoxide alarms the other day in a drawer here. They're plastic cards with a detector circle on the front. If the circle turns black (from orange) then it means it's detected carbon monoxide. You could put one by the boiler for an hour or two and it would reassure you :) OK, it's not an alarm but it'll tell you what you need to know :yesyes:

I'm not sure where you get them from - ours were either from Homebase or supplied by the gas company.

23-10-11, 23:41
Maybe you will get Christmas money then you might be able to buy one :)
Or could you ask any of your family members or teachers? As in explain the situation and be honest about how much anxiety it is causing you :)
You never unless you ask.

24-10-11, 21:37
Thank you everyone for your advice. Xmas money! i never thought of that lol seems a bit silly to spend it on that though.
Spent an extra night at my nans last night. got butterflies coming home but im here now and im "ok- ish " for now x